Impact of Aids on the Homosexual

Introduction AIDS’ being a very lethal viral disease has positive and negative effects on both the individuals and the community in different aspects of life including; social, economic , financial emotional and psychological areas. There have been profound changes in the lives of both the homosexual and the lesbian community in the world at large and since the public is more enlightened on AIDS Pandemic this has had an adverse effect on their sexual behaviors Lifestyles and their Self esteem. (Glenn, 1985).

First and foremost the disease has caused a trend of early deaths amongst the Homosexuals and the lesbians leading to an increase in emotional and Physical loss to the community . This has further caused a decline in the work output as the young and energetic loose their lives and there are very few others left to replace them.

Furthermore most of the young people available are either deviant or lazy and thus they can’t replace the deceased, infected or the affected ones the community is still reeling from the devastation of the disease and thus the government and various institutions has Instigated several Education and prevention programs to the public in order to reduce the increased death rates. (Glenn, 1985).

Secondly there has been a dramatic change in the homosexuals and the lesbian’s sexual activities thus affecting their social lives. Glenn Collins {1985} wrote “Many of those Interviewed agreed that AIDS has led to change in several areas, including modifications in sexual activity, a trend toward long-term relationships and a realignment in relation to the no homosexual part of the community. ” The effects of the disease have also caused People to coalesce and thus rebuild their broken family ties. Relationships have also been strengthened more as people are calling up and talking to individuals they haven’t talked to in a long time.

In addition to this, the infected and affected people come together and form social groups that help them adjust in their new status and support each other in whichever way they can. This gives them a sense of belonging and oneness helping them to have the morale to go on living with a positive attitude. (Glenn, 1985) Thirdly, the disease has had a financial effect on both the individuals and the community . This has caused individuals to spend large amounts of money for their regular checkups and other medical related bills .

Governments are also spending large amounts of money on free medication for the affected individuals, counseling and also funding research projects related to AIDS on the homosexual and lesbian community. On the other hand incase the infected individual dies and leaves behind young children and an infected partner, there is a huge responsibility to take care of the affected persons if they cannot make ends meet which is usually put upon the governments’ social responsibility. This has affected the economic status of different countries since a lot of money is diverted towards curbing the disease other than focusing on the economic development of the country itself.

(Glenn, 1985) Conclusion Lastly, since the conservative Christians and their religious convictions influences their reaction to AIDS amongst the homosexuals and the lesbians, there has been an under funding or no funding and support in curbing the disease from the religious circles. The impact of AIDS on the homosexual and the lesbian community affects the whole community directly and indirectly whether it is supportive or not and it’s adverse effects are felt by most people since the persons involved are related to us.

References: Glenn, C (1985): Impact of Aids; Patterns of homosexual life changing; New York; Darjeeling limited.

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