Illnesses including arthritis

Southwest Suburban Center on Aging or SWSCOA provides services to adults and their families that are living in the west, southwest and suburban region of the state, Illinois. The SWSCOA is located at Lagrange. The center said it caters to 22 communities, which is quite a large range, but, definitely, it is just within the state or very near the state. The SWSCOA provides services to individuals at age 60 and above.

It didn’t mention to whom or what type of socioeconomic status a patient should have, but it seems that the adult and his family who will be availing the services of SWSCOA should be an able person considering the types of services he center could provide. The type of services they give would make the center have a lot of expenses. But further researching on the background of the center, one could learn that the center is a non-profit organization and which fund comes from many other sponsors. So, it means that the goal of the center is to provide care for adults in whichever socioeconomic status he adult is in.

3b. Their home page provides a brief introduction of who the organization is and what it could do. It also mentioned of how long it has been operating and to how large the scope of their operation is. Putting the words “most” and “best” on the types of information and services they give would definitely make the readers think that the center will provide them with the best services and that would make them think that it will be the best center to consult to. It also provided necessary and sufficient information regarding their background, their nature and the scope of their program.

It may be good, though, to insert some testimonials on to their home page so people would directly see that there are already satisfied people who have availed of he center’s services. It would make people think that it is a very good center because people are happy with it. If it is possible, they could also have an online chat services so people can immediately get answers for their queries. 3c. The annual cost of the center for providing their services was not available. But, again, the center definitely has big expenditures.

To cater to twenty-two communities means great amount of expenses. But, they get support from government agencies, local municipalities and from those other private institutions and individuals who give the center donations that are tax-deductible. The center also reported to have catered to about 8,000 elders every year. Maybe the center could look for more sponsorship with private manufacturers or companies. For example, they could ask for sponsorship from a transportation company for their certain activity since one of their services is to provide transportation.

The transportation company could either provide a free transportation for a month or could give some other kind of support depending on their agreement. It could also benefit the transportation company because it’s charity and a service promotion at the same time. They could also look for a longer-term partnership, a business deal. A more publicity may invite more people to donate. If more people could learn about their mission, more people will be moved and more people will give donations.

4a. One program that will be good for a new health promotion for SWSCOA would be a program that will focus on giving remedy to adults physical pain. Many elders get to suffer from many illnesses including arthritis, illnesses due to weak bones, and even mental illnesses. But what gives elders the most difficulty are body pains. 4b. The center provides a service that will look after the needs of the elders who have mental illnesses. Maybe one services that they could do would be to ease their physical pain or that will help them when they cannot control urinating, help them with their back pains, etc.

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