Illnesses & Conditions

Furthermore, the body is expected to function the way it has set its standards. A slight change in the normal functioning of the organs in the body would cause a huge alteration in the normal function of the body. Take for example the production of sugar in the body. If less sugar, in the form of glucose, is produced, the individual is said to be hypoglycemic. On the other hand, the over production of glucose in the body is said to be hyperglycemic. Although the task may seem simple, the individual suffers a lot inside.

The individual is expected to suffer more as the affected organs also increase. As time evolves and progresses, the diseases and disorders also progress. These may be attributed mainly to the kind of food that we eat, and how much individuals could take care of their body. The prognosis of Fructosuria is often attributed to the malfunctioning of the body, especially in the production of sugar in the body. Some of the factors to be considered in the prognosis of Fructosuria is the death rate and the number of patients who have successfully battled with the disorder (Wrong Diagnosis, 2008).

Treatment of Fructosuria involves numerous details and discipline from the individual. As a hereditary disease, the individual’s best option is to omit the presence of sugar in the food. These would include your normal table sugar, and other foods that contain sugar. This would help the individual from experiencing attacks associated with the said disorder. In addition to this, both the physician and the individual would be able to monitor the production and normalization of fructose in the body. Furthermore, the best thing to do is to help in the alleviation of the said disorder.

Fructosuria would entail a lot from the individuals themselves, but the people around them should also take their part. Family members, peers, and friends take part by watching out for the diet of individuals who are diagnosed with Fructosuria. Regardless of everything that has been said and done, I believe that the best way to save people from the said disorder is by becoming cautious of the food that we eat in our daily lives. Most importantly, discipline should always be present in everything that we do so that more people would improve the quality of lifestyle that they have.


(September 19, 2007). Fructosuria. Retrieved November 7, 2008 from http://www. cigna. com/healthinfo/nord573. html (2005). Illnesses & Conditions: Information on diseases and health concerns, including symptoms, treatment options and prevention. Retrieved November 7, 2008 from http://healthlink. uhseast. com/library/healthguide/en-us/illnessconditions/topic. asp? hwid=nord573 Grobin, W. (1958). Fructosuria with Clinical Symptoms. Canadian Medical Association 9, 715. Retrieved November 7, 2008 from http://www. pubmedcentral. nih. gov/pagerender. fcgi? artid=1829893&pageindex=1 (2008).

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