Ideal Health Care System

Ideal healthcare system will be the one that works for all the individuals in the community without disparity or confusion. With an ideal healthcare system, members in a community will get adequate access to care, basic information, better research and information for the patients (Yvonne, 2009). In this paper; I will discuss the various key factors to be addressed in the development of an ideal model of care. Access to health care Access to healthcare is a factor of great importance that needs to be addressed by any healthcare system.

Issues such as the number of nursing centers and the total number of beds in hospitals will have to be evaluated for easy accessibility and management. Healthcare professionals, through the Affordable care Act; have been given more control over their healthcare than ever before (Interact Healthcare Consortium, 1992). With an ideal healthcare system, the relationships between the professionals and the patients will be far much ahead of paperwork and insurance company profits and this will give the professionals consistent incentives to effectively coordinate care.

The healthcare system will be designed to lower cost-sharing to empower healthcare professionals as they will need not to worry about patients being unable to afford the required treatments. Under infrastructure, an ideal healthcare system will provide sufficient funding through debt services for direct construction and or innovation of public facilities. The mainly targeted facilities are those that provide inpatient tertiary care, research and outpatient clinical services.

The proposed facilities must however certify that the new health center is crucially important for the greatest access to care in the community and must also certify that it is crucially important for the continued viability of the healthcare system. Under technology, an ideal healthcare system should encourage an administrative simplification to ease access to care and bring down the cost of care. The healthcare system will bring in new rules with less administrative hassle and simplified paperwork which will allow healthcare professionals to focus on caring for the patients other than dealing with the system bureaucracies.

An ideal healthcare system will also invest in the adoption of electronic health records bringing the doctor’s offices into the modern technological world (Yvonne, 2009). Financing Government help and grants will be the major source of the system though many needy patients may be left behind as a result of red tapes and mismanagement of funds (Joshua, 2012). A publicly funded healthcare system will see to it that healthcare services are provided free of charge at the point of use and this will be managed through the help of federal standards to ensure quality of care.

For administrative efficiency, doctors will take care of insurance claims of the patients and in such cases patients will need not to be involved in the billing and reclaim. Public bodies will maintain a network of health centers and clinics at native reserves. Under an ideal healthcare system, healthcare costs may be paid by the compensation system of workers. Private funding will be sought from local philanthropists, investors and interested parties. A business plan will be important when looking for private funds.

Under private financing healthcare system, services not greatly touched or taken care of by Medicare will be given an upper front (Joshua, 2012). Financing of services such as optometry, dentistry and prescription drugs will be made by private parties and will therefore be subject to some level of competition. A private financing of healthcare will bring the benefit of best practices guidelines which will indicate whom and when to use different treatments. Under private financing, patients will have the chance to make decisions on case-by-case basis putting individual needs into consideration.

Under payment, an ideal healthcare system will have the challenge of delivering higher quality for lower costs. The system’s payment reform will involve a transition from fee-for-service to global from systems that are value-based important for the achievement of the overall healthcare goals. An ideal healthcare payment system will give a great deal of support to value-driven system of healthcare delivery (Kent, 2013). The fee-for-service payment system will be of great importance to the healthcare system as it will help control the costs of health care. Public policy decisions

Under public health, an ideal healthcare system will ensure that the members of the society remain healthy and this will require prevention of injuries and diseases as well as health promotion and provision of coordinated, effective and timely healthcare. To achieve lasting and substantial improvements in public health, a common goal alignment will be of great important. A clear cut integration of public health and primary care will improve the capacity of the healthcare system in carrying out respective missions and linking it with other stakeholders in the promotion of collaborative ward improved health of the community.

Under safety net, the healthcare system should provide healthcare to patients irrespective of other socioeconomic factors limiting access to essential and basic healthcare needs. Since there are no universal programs to insure all the citizens in the United States, safety nets will have to be taken into consideration when designing an ideal healthcare system. Since safety net programs will leave patients vulnerable, willing physicians and public hospitals will be required to provide easy access to needy patients.

For an ideal healthcare system, palliative and end-of-life care will be an important part of the care physician offices and clinics. The front-line hospital staff will need to be educated and empowered for a better primary palliative care. The availability of a consultation team will be of great importance as it will help the staff in the provision of complex palliative care. The discharge planning will also be evolved to transitional care management and this will come with an active integration of palliative care for patients who are high-risk. Skyrocketing of litigation costs is the order of the day in many healthcare systems.

Legal and premium costs will be shared between consumers to prevent patient dissatisfaction for the developed healthcare system. Since high litigation costs and the threat of being sued may be a major impediment to quality care, an ideal healthcare system will avoid and or minimize these costs to make sure that patients enjoy the best healthcare services (Joshua, 2012). Cultural competence Under cultural competence, the developed healthcare system will provide culturally appropriate services with the potential of reducing ethnic and racial health disparities.

Quality of care will be compromised if the providers do not speak the client’s language or clients do not understand what healthcare providers are telling them. To improve cultural competence interventions such as use of interpreter services, use of culturally appropriate health education materials and cultural training of healthcare providers needs to be adopted (Anderson, 2003). An ideal healthcare system will trace its roots to the values exposed by the community. The value and beliefs of the system will govern the general orientation of the training, resource allocation type of health delivery settings and financing.

Beliefs and values will orient people in the definition of what is desirable for them. Since there are different variations on how people view their health, differences in values will influence their attitudes, behaviors and concerns towards diseases and health (Shantelle, 2013). Inability to effectively communicate with healthcare providers will not only undermine trust in the quality of healthcare but will also create barriers to accessing healthcare. Lack of common language between the patient and health specialists may result into inappropriate treatments and diagnostic errors.

According to a recent research, more than thirteen Hispanics in the United States do not speak English well and this may mean that they may not get the best quality of medical services due to improper interpretations as a result of language differences. An ideal healthcare system will therefore effectively address the problem of complexity in language interpretation for efficiency and meeting the needs of the patients. An ideal healthcare system will educate both the members of the community and healthcare professionals to bring them a little bit closer in terms of interpretation and understanding (Shantelle, 2013).

Patients and doctors will be taught different languages to ease communication. Patients and healthcare providers will be taught to learn and appreciate individuals with different values and beliefs. An ideal healthcare system will call in the community for participation in the provision of quality care. Launch of public initiatives and public forums will encourage members of the community to get closer to the healthcare system. This way, health professionals will capture major problems or concerns by members of the society.

With such interactions between the healthcare providers and the patients, communication and coordination in healthcare provision becomes easy, fast and affordable (Marmor & Wendt, 2011). The healthcare system will also collaborate with other agencies and healthcare systems for efficiency and sharing of common ideas. With an effective collaboration with other agencies, system developers will be able to know what they fall short of and available rooms for improvement as far as quality care provision is concerned.

An ideal healthcare system will comprise of professionally and effective hiring and training programs to boost professionalism in healthcare (Anderson, 2003). This will be in an effort to make sure that only the best qualified health professionals join the system. Extensive interviews and tendering will therefore be given an upper hand. Institutionalizing of the healthcare system will enhance the existing efforts to counter external influences from external institutions. Issues to do with sponsors, alumni organizations and funding sources will easily be addressed by the system as an institution.

Various faculties in the healthcare institution will play an important role in the development of a culturally competitive environment Conclusion Reforms in the U. S. healthcare system are less complicated than they may appear. Since the building blocks for ideal healthcare systems are already in place, the federal government needs only to constantly fund both the private health insurances and the safety net care (Yvonne, 2009). Major challenge facing today’s healthcare systems is pervasive incentives. Putting into consideration the above explained factors will help develop an ideal healthcare system.

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