Humans and common illnesses

To investigate whether there is a correlation (positive or negative) between daily stress in humans and common illnesses. Hypothesis: I definitely think that, based on research already conducted, my results will conclude that there is a positive correlation between life events and stress in humans, my work being extra evidence to hopefully support this theory, and other studies done into this link.

For example, the study into effects of stress on the immune system by Kiecolt-Glaser et al, who looked at naturally induced examination stress on medical students, and found that stress was associated with a reduced immune system response. I think that, by not telling my participants the exact nature of the study before we begin, I will receive correct results, the participant will not try to alter them to give me the answers I’m looking for. Hopefully I will find that as the stress levels go up, the susceptibility to illness will also increase.

Procedure: Firstly, I wrote a brief introduction to read to participants, which involved me telling them the general gist of the exercise (although not giving away the true nature of the study), and reading them their rights as participants (for example they could withdraw their results at any time). I then compiled a total of two simple ‘tick-box’ style questionnaires for participants to fill in. Each requiring them to rate on a scale of 0-5 (with 0 being the least and 5 being the most) the subject I had asked them to.

As I wanted all ages and types of people to be able to complete the questionnaires, I also included an ‘N/A’ box, as some subjects would not apply to everybody. The first questionnaire asked participants to rate how stressful they found everyday situations and problems. The second questionnaire asked them to rate how prone they were to some common illnesses and ailments, such as headaches, loss of appetite and colds. I also included a short de-briefing which told participants of the results I was hoping to find, asked them if this had caused them to be uncomfortable or felt I had invaded their privacy at all. Finding the participants was easy enough, using an opportunity sample; basically anybody who would help.

I asked students I knew and did not know from Prior Pursglove college, my family, some neighbours and other people who I did not have good relations with, in the hope to get unbiased results from people. I made sure I asked equal amounts of male and female; 6 each. Of course, all information was confidential. Once I had got the data I set about converting it so I could apply it to a scatter graph. First I totalled up everybody’s scores.

As there were 15 questions on each questionnaire and 5 numbered boxes to choose from, this meant scores were out of 75 (15×5=75). I simply needed to add up the numbers on each of the boxes ticked on the individual questionnaires, which would give me their score out of 75. I did this for questionnaire one and two for everybody, using a calculator in case I made any mistakes, which meant I could then plot the scores against each other on a scatter graph, which are ideal for showing correlation’s. I gave each completed set of questionnaires a number on the table for ease of reference.

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