Human resource management

Silver Surgical Complex (Pvt) Ltd is manufacturers of cannula and syringes which are known by its brand name Silver & Green. The green is made for the international market while the silver is made for the local markets. It has been in local and international market from last 10 years and have achieved excellence in manufacturing the highest class, most hygienic and bacteria free disposable devices. Some of the countries they export to are Iran, Iraq, South Africa, Syria, Uganda, Tanzania (Darussalam), Dubai, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and many more. Silver.

Surgical Complex (Pvt) Ltd has a team has highly qualified engineers and technicians who are trained in Korea for operating the computerised and most modern manufacturing equipments. The company has latest sterilising units installed in soundproof and airtight rooms with controlled fresh air as a preventive measure against pollution and bacteria free environment. Despite of strict classification by ISO 9001:2000 and ISO, the users of the equipment feel satisfied as patients and doctors. The company uses 100% stainless steel to manufacture best needles which is imported from Korea.

It also specialises in making world’s best qualify I. V. Catheter and Syringes of all gauges and sizes. It was established in the year 1999-2000 and employees 200 workers at its Karachi Pakistan plant out of which 35 employees work at administrative level and remaining 165 are working at its manufacturing level. The number of staff may increases to 500 when they are doing well. Jamshed Ahmed ChandiWala is the managing director of this company he is the decision maker no matter how big or small. His bot  sons Mr Jahangir Ahmed ChandiWala and MrJahanzed also help him in running the business but they do have authority to make important decisions for the company.

SILVER SURGICAL COMPLEX (PVT) LTD PRODUCTS RANGE IS AS FOLLOWS: I. V. Cannula with Injection port & valve I. V. Cannula with Injection port & valve-Linear I. V. Cannula without injection port with moveable wing & heparin lock I. V. Catheter Straight –Pen Type). Syringes: – 1-cc, Unibody Insulin. Blister pack & 10 pieces mega pouch 3-cc/ml blister pack, 5-cc/ ml blister pack Auto Destructive Syringes 3 & 5 cc/ml Yellow Stopper / Three way Stopper Marketing Manager.

The Marketing Manager will plan and carry out direct marketing and sales activities, so as to maintain to develop sales of products and the range of opportunities to major buyers and end users, in accordance with agreed business plans. However CEO guides and managers the overall provision of marketing the products for the entire organisation. Human Resource Manager The Human Resource Manager originates and leads Human Resources practices and objectives that will provide an employee-oriented, high performance culture that emphasises empowerment, quality, productivity and standards, goal attainment, and the recruitment and ongoing development of a superior workforce.

The Human Resource Manager coordinates with the staff on the implementation of services, policies, and programmes through reports and the CEO (Jamshed Ahmed). Power Control Power, control and processes are three fundamental elements in the organizations. Power is closely related to goal setting in organizations. The rational perspective of organisations views and goals are important for providing directions for action and decision making; while the natural perspective emphasizes goals as the source of motivation for members of organizations. Goal setting is important in organizations as it influences strategies and organisations performance.

This Organization follows a theory by Max Weber Theory, where they do Management by Rules. The organisations main aim is to make profit and has a hierarchical structure where each level is controlled by the level above where the decision making and planning takes place. The higher level makes rules to be taken in action by the lower level. It also has specialist in every department based on their skills and knowledge for example every team a technician and an engineer responsible for operating modern computerised manufacturing plant who are trained in Korea3.

The employees are employed on the bases of their qualification so as to improve production and efficiency. The organisation is divided by functional speciality where a department is responsible for specific reason for example there is quality control department, production department, sales and marketing department, regional sales department, accounts department, HR and administration department and imports department. This can be seen by looking at the organisation structure below Environment:

There are two types of the term environment, internal and external; both of them can be changed. Recently the global environments are changing and will keep changing, either the internal or the external. As the very famous butterfly effect theory, a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. A tiny environmental change can badly affect an organisation itself. This essay is going to discuss the influence of the environmental changes effect the organisations in both sides, positive and negative. Environment factors: Competition (what are they doing?) Customer behavior (needs, wants, and desires) Industry outlook (local, national, global) Demographics (the change populations, there density, etc. )

Economy (are we peaking, or moving negatively) Political movements and/or interference Social environment Technological changes General environmental changes Strategy The organisation follows the prospector strategy by Miles and Snow, this is where the organisation is willing to take risks and seek opportunities for growth. One of the strategy they are using to improve growth by aiming to improve its sales by 6. 3m and cannula sales of 1m per quarter in Pakistan, this is done by employing two sales managers and having one distributer. The sales managers have been allocated areas and two to three employees including themselves they need to market the product.

If the sales are figure are not met for three consecutive months then the employee would be terminated as per the company’s sales target achievement policy. This is a policy they sign when they are employed by the organization. Technology The organisation uses modern computerised Korean technology where the experts and engineers are trained in Korea to operate the equipments.

The organisation also has latest sterilisation units installed in self contained room which is soundproof, airtight, controlled with fresh air to prevent any pollution and bacteria. The World Health Organisation has done a survey that shows reuse of discarded syringes and other medical items and they are major sources that are spreading diseases such as HIV, hepatitis and other. So the organisation has researched on new techniques of producing disposable syringes. Knowledge management consist on processes such as: Creating Sharing Acquiring Knowledge Cultural Technical Bases


A discussion of Environmental Changes Affect the Organisations, Studymode. co, March 2011, date viewed 27th May 2013 http://www. studymode. com/essays/A-Discussion-Of-Environmental-Changes-Affect- 644003. html Busting Bureaucracy, Max Weber – Six Major Principles, vision publication, 2013, Date viewed 25th May 2013 http://www. bustingbureaucracy. com/excerpts/weber. htm Mind Tools Ltd, UK, 2013, Date viewed 21th May 2013 http://www. mindtools. com/pages/main/newMN_CON. htm Silver Surgical Complex (PVT) Ltd, boundless technology, 2011, Date viewed 24th May 2013 http://www. sscltd. com. pk/.

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