Human mind

Everyone’s body develops at its own pace and everyone has a time table that is different. For some children and teens, voices may start to change earlier and for some, it might start later than expected. Voice pitches can either drop gradually and for others, it might drop rapidly. The human voice consists of sound made by a person using the vocal folds for talking, laughing, screaming, crying, as well as singing. Vocal folds can produce high complex arrays of sound with the combination of the teeth, the tongue, and the lips.

Manipulation of sounds produced can cause people’s tones and pronunciations of individual noises to be significantly indistinctive. When someone speaks, the air that brushes from their lungs contributes to making their vocal cords to vibrate. In return, this produces a sound in their voice. That is why everyone can achieve to express a language or an emotion since the tone of voice that we use will either suggest to others whether you are directing a question or implying a sentence.

Tones can display certain emotions such as anger, confusion, sadness, or happiness. For instance, the tone that a person uses is very important because it can reveal how much someone wants something or whether someone is in favor or against certain issues. Under the influence of androgens, the voice box, grows in both genders. Both boys and girls experience voice changes as they grow older, but girls’ voices tend to get only a little deeper as oppose to a boy’s voice since they can change quite a bit.

For example, teens can change from sounding like a little kid to sounding like a father. Most boys begin to change their voices around the age of 12 and then settle between 15 thru 18 years of age. The voice box usually gets bigger during puberty and the larynx, which is a tube shaped piece of cartilage, allows you to do certain things like talk, hum, moan, yell, laugh, as well as sing and make all sorts of noises. Before kids reach puberty, their larynx is small and their vocal cords are also small and thin.

As they go through puberty, the larynx gets bigger and the vocal cords lengthen and thicken as well. The human voice is capable of being a complex instrument in many cases. Depending on how the chest, neck, and tongue are positioned, unrelated muscles can be altered a tightness in the voice can occur causing a sharpness in the tone. These actions usually results in a change in pitch, timbre, or volume depending on the sound that is being produced. Singers use the human voice as an instrument for creating beautiful music.

Sometimes when adolescents’ lose their voice, they have to have one thing in mind. Vocal chords are not designed for pushing, but instead, for air to buzz them as it passes though. When this happens, take extra precaution to make sure that they do not drink cold water or any alcohol. They should be drinking a lot of tepid room temperature water. Also do keep in mind that singing always comes out in a form of screaming or sirening, therefore, the hoarseness results from trying to drive a scream or to reach a level in which the teen is not quite prepared for.

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