Human Health

Exercise is any physical exertion of the body. It come in the form of physical activity, training or even daily activities. When the body undergoes exercises, various muscles are called upon to perform their assigned tasks. These muscles require more energy than when they are at rest. Energy is provided by cell respiration though glycolysis. C6H12O6 + 6O2 > 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy released (2830 kJ mol? 1)

The increased consumption of oxygen disturbs the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide levels within the body. Due to the excess carbon dioxide, the body is forced to obtain more oxygen in order to again attain homeostasis or balance. To obtain oxygen, the body performs more rapid breathing or panting. Sweat is also a result of exercise. Sweat is a fluid composed mainly of water with some salt and urea.

Sweating is primarily used to cool the body since the production of energy also produces heat. When sweat evaporates, heat goes along with it, thus achieving a cooling effect. Sweat also removes the water byproduct of cell respiration. With the removal of water, the balance between salt and water levels in the body is again destroyed. To restore it, thirst is felt to induce the person to search for water. Reference: MARIEB. , E. N. (2006) Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology.

Exercise is any physical exertion of the body. It come in the form of physical activity, training or even daily activities. When the body undergoes exercises, various muscles are called upon to perform their assigned tasks. These muscles require more …

I do not think that my demand for oxygen was increased prior to the commencement of the test because I really wasn’t nervous or anticipant which for other people may have led to their heart rate to increase even before …

With the booming of science and technology, pollution has aroused wide public concern. Industrial civilization creates tremendous fortune. At the same time, automobile exhaust , the burning of waste, and a multitude of waste gas is discharged into the atmosphere. …

The process of altering the amount of photosynthesis a plant carries out can be altered using an external light source or stimulus. In this essay, the effect of the intensity of external light on the rate of photosynthesis is carried …

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