Human Growth Hormone

Doctors and researchers that are associated with mainstream medicine have expressed serious concerns about the benefits and safety of HGH in people over the age of 60. Although the Rudman study showed promise for the use of supplemental HGH in healthy older men, the small size of the study sample and the lack of any subsequent research raises questions about the long-term use of HGH in older people, especially those who may have health conditions that may be negatively affected by the presence of additional levels of HGH.

In the absence of unbiased clinical research, consumers should exercise extreme caution. These cautions, however, cannot dismiss the results that some patients have obtained by using products containing HGH. Customer testimonials on websites that sell HGH tell of dramatic stories of weight loss, increased muscle mass, and an overall improvement in the individual’s quality of life after taking HGH. Sylvester Stallone, who has well-defined muscles at age 61, was recently arrested for carrying HGH in his luggage while on an overseas trip.

Stallone denied that HGH was the source of his amazing physique, but did say that HGH “really takes off the wear and tear that your body takes” and that it contributed to the body’s power to recuperate from injuries and extreme workouts (Celizic). While a celebrity endorsement does not carry the scientific validity of a clinical trial, Stallone’s statements reflect the confidence that many HGH users place in these products. The high cost of HGH therapy, either with a doctor or when self-medicating with products that were purchased over the Internet, may also make this an unrealistic treatment for people with limited incomes.

As noted above, there are serious concerns about the quality of supplements that are purchased over the Internet. The fact that these are essentially illegal drugs means that they are unregulated, untested, and potentially unsafe. People who decide to use HGH should find a qualified healthcare professional who can offer honest and objective advice and who does not have a financial interest in selling HGH products. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide whether the risk of cancer or of stroke are worth the potential benefits of increased muscle mass, faster healing time, greater vitality, and other potential benefits of HGH.

Individuals who have a family history of cancer, stroke, or heart disease should be extremely careful as the consider using HGH. Healthy individuals who do not have a family history of medical complications may wish to discuss HGH with their doctor.

References Celizic, Mike. Stallone Discusses HGH Charge. MSNBC. January 18, 2008. Retrieved September 22, 2008, from http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/22728530/ Emanuelson, Jerry (2006). Human Growth Hormone. The Life Extension Manual. Retrieved September 22, 2008, from http://www. futurescience. com/hgh. html

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