How Herceptin Works

Cancer cell tend to increase in an uncontrollable way. To slow and stop the expansion of cancer, Herceptin is used which stops the chemical signals needed for the cancer to grow. There is DNA in every cell which consists of genes and they regulate the growth, repair and rest of cells. The genes order the creation of proteins which tell the cells what exactly to do. Each of the protein sets off a chain reaction which results in the cell activity. If a problem occurs with the gene, the chain reaction does not work properly.

For e. g. if there is too much of Her2 gene than there is an excess production of protein receptors on the cancer cell known as Her2 receptors. These receptors are like ears which receive chemical signal to grow. When Her2 receptors get excited or turned on, the cells are ordered to grow. With many receptors, breast cancer tends to pick up many signals and start to grow rapidly. One option is to slow and stop the cells to receive signals. This is what Herceptin does.

It is a special protein drug which attaches to the Her2 protein receptors and blocks it to receive signals. Herceptin also makes the immune system to destroy the cancer cells. Herceptin very rarely affects other cells in the body as it does not attach to other proteins. There fore there is a less chance of serious side effects. How Herceptin Is Given Herceptin is given through a drip inserted into your vein. The first dost take around 90 minutes. The other doses take only about 30 minutes depending on the prescription of the doctor.

More studies are being conducted which can conclude if Herceptin can be given once every three weeks instead every week. It is different from chemotherapy; Herceptin is taken for an indefinite period to keep breast cancer under control. It hasn’t been concluded by researchers if the use of Herceptin should be stopped once you are free of cancer. If you have a disease and take Herceptin unless n until 1. The doctor has advised it is no longer needed 2. Doctor has advised you to stop taking it because of certain side effects. Companies producing Herceptin

Current Genetech along with Wyeth Pharmaceuticals are making Herceptin. Genetech A leading biotechnological company which develops produces significant medical needs. A number of current biotechnology products have originated from Genetech science. Genetech commercializes and manufacturers different biotechnology products in the United States and licenses different products to different companies. Headquarter of the company is in San Francisco, California and is listed on the NY stock exchange under the symbol DNA. About Wyeth Pharmaceuticals

A division of Wyeth, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals is a leading product maker in the area of heart disease, nervous system, women health care, oncology, nutritional products, and vaccines. It is one of the worlds largest research based health care and pharmaceutical companies. It is a market leader in development, creating, and marketing of vaccines, pharmaceutical, non prescription medicines which improve the life of people all around the world. The major divisions include Wyeth consumer health care, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and Fort Dodge Animal Health.

Cost of using Herceptin Currently total cost of a using Herceptin is $60,000 a year. Conclusion Herceptin (trastuzumab) belongs to a new group of cancer drugs called monoclonal antibodies (MOAB). It provides a treatment for the one in five patients with advanced breast cancers that have spread, and whose tumors produce excess amounts of a protein known as HER-2. Herceptin works by interfering with one of the ways in which breast cancer cells divide and grow and by enhancing the body’s own immune response.

HER-2 is growth factor receptors which transmits signals from outside the cancer cell to the inside, and makes the cells grow. Herceptin, the antibody, attaches itself to this protein, thus stopping the cells from dividing and growing. It also appears to increase the effect of chemotherapy drugs on breast cancer and could help women who have not responded to chemotherapy on its own. Herceptin is given as an infusion into a vein once a week. The treatment takes about an hour and appears to have few severe side effects, although it can cause serious allergic reactions and damage to the heart.It is still a relatively new treatment but appears to be promising.


• Understanding Breast Cancer. Contributors: Joy Ogden – author. Publisher: Wiley. Place of Publication: Hoboken, NJ. Publication Year: 2004. • Drugs: A Very Short Introduction. Contributors: Leslie Iversen – author. Publisher: Oxford University Press. Place of Publication: Oxford, England. Publication Year: 2001 • The Costs of Caring: Who Pays? Who Profits? Who Panders? Journal article by Leonard H. Fleck; The Hastings Center Report, Vol. 36, 2006.

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