Housing and Health

In this essay you will learn about the nineteenth century and why the towns and cities in that part of history were so unhealthy. There are six main reasons why it was so unhealthy but grouped together in pairs that go together there are three, these are as follows: – Housing and Health, Water and Waste and lastly Dirt and Disease. Each one will be connected to another in some way so this proves that these are the main reasons but the only way we will find out why they are is if we explain how they are related to the question and only if we explain it, we will then come to a conclusion of why it was as unhealthy as it was.

You will be told about the conditions that had to be dealt with and what kind of conditions that they lived in and why. There are many reasons why it was so unhealthy but to summarize it in one paragraph we have to go over the evidence and choose the most important piece of information which relates to the question asked and the most important piece of information that answers it giving as much information as possible. The first thing we have to look at is the housing and health at that time. The housing at that time wasn’t as it is now the houses were built quickly and carelessly so it was easy for them to be defective and very dangerous.

The reason that they were so carelessly built was because the builders that were hired to build the houses were only interested in getting the money, plus back then there was no law that the housing should be acceptable and up to any standard of any sort so the builders could get away with it very easily, get their money and be off. The housing didn’t have any toilets or sewage pipes because that would cost money and the government didn’t pay the builders enough so there were no toilets or sewage pipes installed in any of the houses.

As well as that there were about five families of about four to five people in each one staying in one house, each family had one room. Four of the five families would have a room either on the ground floor or the one above it but the last family would have the room in the basement were it would be dark, dingy and really cold. This brings as to the topic about health, five families of about four to five people in each one living in one house isn’t very healthy.

The problem was the fact of the space left in the towns and cities after big industrial factories were built, there wasn’t enough space left to make lots of houses and the money was a problem because the government didn’t think housing was that important they thought other things were more important. Plus because of the industrial factories being built in the towns and cities more and more people were coming and moving in those places for jobs and that made it hard because there were so many people and so little space.

If there weren’t much space left and the place was so crowded the whole town or city would be a very dangerous place to live in because everyone is out and about if one person catches a disease that is deadly they might pass it on, then there wouldn’t be a problem with the place being over crowded but there would a problem with the amount of people dying. The houses that were built were so close together as it was and the environment was crowded and unbearably smelly.

There was pollution due to the smoke from the factories and the people had no toilets or sewage pipes, which was a big problem, as they had nowhere to put the waste it was just left around. Rats and mice are attracted to that kind of stuff so they would obviously be found hanging around the piles of rubbish where ever it was, that would cause diseases to spread and people would catch them easily because the rats would be able to go into peoples houses due to the fact that they are built so carelessly.

There was at least one toilet and one water pump in every street but the problem with that was the fact that they were right next to each other causing other health problems as well as the atmosphere and noise pollution. The next reason is because of water and waste, because the toilet and the water pump are next to each other the water that they get from the pump could have been contaminated so there is a risk when drinking the water.

There wasn’t much water to be spared to everyone being of the government budgets, only one pump in each street and hundreds of people living in the street is quite risky but they weren’t any water pipes to the houses either, so they had to use what they had and drink what they had so the water from the pump was the only thing that you could get. Plus the waste that gathered up was piled up in heaps at the corner of streets because there was no sewage pipes so it was left around causing tremendous pollution. There was all sorts of waste that piled up everywhere for example from cooking, toilet waste and other things.

There wasn’t anywhere special to put the waste so they either left it around or buried it in holes but that would be no use either because if it rained it would just spread the waste around more. There weren’t any drains either so they had to just leave them around, there was no place to put the sewage so just dumping it somewhere was what they would to. The conditions were not very nice either with all the pollution and because there were so much people they would carry around diseases and be unhealthy also they would produce more waste then if there had been less people.

The conditions were unhealthy in town or city so the risk that there would be would be higher because as more and more people came for work in the factories more and more waste there was and less and less space there would be, in the end everyone would be squashed. Plus the risk of people dying would be higher due to the fact that everyone would be so cramped that if one person caught something they would pass it on to a lot of people and everyone would be sick, another way that the disease could be passed round quick would be from rats that are attracted to the waste that is lying around.

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