Hospitality Management

I am Human Resource Assistant Manager. This is a report about recruiting an additional Front Office Clerk for job handling, to promote better service for guest and help to work more efficiency. The reasons for requisition are because there are some feedbacks from customers that they think the service quality of the front desk is not good enough and seem to be disappointed. Staffs’ attitude looks very bad and dissatisfied.

The staffs of the front desk are always very busy. When the customers need helps, the staffs respond them very late. About the interview format, I suggest to choose the traditional interview. As a front office staff, she or he must be smart. It is because our customer comes to our hotel, the first Impression is very important, so their looks must be staid, behaviors must be well-mannered, tongue must be bitter and show their professional. Use the traditional interview, we can be deep understand colleague his/her character. Anyhow, everything about their performance must be qualified. The traditional interview format, it can provide the strict and regular environment for us to finish the interview well.

About “who does the interview”, I suggest by panel. We could arrange the relevant staffs to do the interview at the same time together. We need to select an interview time when everyone is available. It could good for the interviewers to remember each applicant and there is little disruption to normal operation, can avoid some repeat questions. We will prepare 10 questions before we meet the applicant which include the following questions:

1. Tell me about yourself. 2. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 3. How do you respond to working under pressure? Give example 4. What are your preferred working conditions, working alone or in a group and why? 5. Why should I give this position to you instead of the ofter people on the shortlist? 6. Are you a careful person? 7. Give an example of your previous works in which your attention to details has been important. 8. Why do you wish to leave your current position? 9. If you had a magic wand what thing would you change about your present job circumstances? 10. What would you hope to achieve in the first 12 months?

About filing the recruitment records, the human resource department should have procedures and systems to file applications correctly. The electronic and hard copies should be stored with lockable filing cabinet, with access limited to the department and those who involved in the recruitment campaign. The successful candidate’s resume can be kept on file, while other applications should be shredded. All applications are strictly confidential and need to be handle considering privacy laws. The information in the applicants cannot be used for any other purpose than the applications process.

Then, I asked the Front Desk Manager about that, and then I understand the main reason that why the staffs cannot provide good service to the customers. Since their work is very busy, but there is not enough manpower to work together. Some colleagues’ health is also affected, they are sick because of over working with heavy stress. Beside, their morale becomes lower too. As a result, the service quality becomes worse.

On the other side, I also consult with colleagues why they provide a bad service to customers. They grumble to me that the manpower is not sufficient to handle the work. They feel exhausted after their work, which it has a negative influence towards their efficiency and quality of working, when the colleagues need helps, there do not have other colleagues can help them. Overall, we need to recruit an additional staff to share their workload.

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