Hospital Nurse

To ensure that there is enough supply of staff in hospitals, the government should sponsor training of these staff. It should built more institutions and fund them to ensure that the education and training offered is affordable and of high quality. This would ensure there is enough human resource supply whenever the government needs to deploy more staff. To prevent understaffing of hospital staff, the government should give those staff attractive remunerations because in most cases, shortage in hospital staff is caused by poor pay.

When trained hospital staffs are paid poorly they look for jobs in other countries thereby reducing country’s reserve of trained staff. The government should ensure that its trained staffs are guaranteed good jobs. By doing this, those workers would be motivated and be more productive. If reports and surveys that have been done are something to go by, then the government should set aside more money enough to pay staffs that would be deployed. (Schulz, R. and Johnson, A. C. 2003)

Again the government should deploy only those individuals who have the needed skills. When incompetent staffs are deployed in hospitals, what results are deaths that would have otherwise been prevented if competent personnel were deployed. Deployment of hospital staff should be done overboard depending on the population of the region. Many hospitals in cities find themselves in a difficulty situation when disaster strikes. This is because of high population rate in urban areas.

(Anderson, S. 2007). In short, if deaths of patients are to be reduced then, there should be a very proper coordination of hospital personnel such that when unprecedented disaster occurs in a particular region, those in unaffected region can offer their help but it should not be forgotten that their efficiency depends on how well they are paid. Enough number of hospitals staff will significantly reduce deaths as surveys and researchers show.

Understaffing of hospitals leads to deaths and indirectly increases the cost of health care provision as a simple problem becomes a real problem when it is delayed. People who need specialized treatment do not get it in time as individual attention cannot be afforded hence the need for more deployments.

References: Anderson, S. 2007. National Foundation for American Policy Accessed from http://www. nfap. com/pressreleases/090507. pdf Shanton, M. W. Hospital Nurse Staffing and Quality of Care.

Research in question Issue 14, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Available at http://www. ahrq. gov/research/nursestaffin /nursestaff. htm Schulz, R. and Johnson, A. C. 2003. Management of Hospitals and Health Services: Strategic Issues and Performance. 3rd Ed. Beard Books. National Commission on Quality and Care. 1983. Managing Resources in the Mental Hygiene System: A Study of Deployment of Staff to Community Hospitals. Available at http://www. cqcapd. state. ny. us/publications/pubstffd. htm

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