Hospital disaster planning

Hospital disaster planning is a very important issue due to the fact that nowadays realities create lots of accidents in which people might get. In order to maintain proper care for those who have suffered from disasters and provide all the necessary medication, hospital disaster planning becomes vital in present circumstances. Disasters happen quite often to people. For example, 69% of people in the southeast of the United States have reported that have suffered from a traumatic event.

Disasters are events which cannot be controlled and in many circumstances, foreseen by people, so they give the most damage and require advanced care and treatment, as well as being ready to provide the assistance immediately. When a catastrophe occurs, the general population expects public service agencies and other branches of the government to rapidly mobilize and provide the assistance to the community. It’s very important to make sure that medical professionals are included in all phases of disaster planning as well as in the immediate response to the disaster which has happened.

Disasters are often classified by the resultant anticipated necessary response and the classification goes the following way: ? Disasters of Level 1 include those in which emergency response personnel and organizations are able to contain and deal effectively with the disaster and its aftermath. This type of disaster is the easiest for hospitals to maintain because they are ready to provide all their facilities for the patients after the disaster occurs;

? Disasters of Level 2 require regional efforts and mutual aid from surrounding communities; ? Disasters of Level 3 are the largest by magnitude and effect on the people’s lives. During the disasters of this kind local and regional assets get overwhelmed, so statewide and federal assistance is required.

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