Hospital disaster planners

Hospital disaster planners must take into account all the scenarios which include the possibility that the disaster might occur on the territory which is close to the hospital, and it can turn the only one which will have the responsibility of taking care of the patients after the disaster. It’s very important to anticipate the following rare events- mass decontamination, multiple triage, staging areas within the confines of the hospital, adequate supplies and resupply, as well as the recall of personnel.

In order to increase the quality of emergency health care, the more detailed requirements for health care organizations were approved by JCAHO in 2000 and went to the effect starting with 2001. The most significant of them include the requirements which integrate hospital disaster planning into community plans, to make sure that disaster programs address all the phases of the disaster circle. They also have to ensure the capability to evacuate the entire hospital staff together with patients and relocated them in the independent facility.

There are still discussions carried out with JCAHO concerning further strengthen requirements concerning policies and training in the response to terrorist activities which can involve chemical, biological, nuclear, and explosive agents. It’s very important to make sure hospitals have all the necessary equipment to provide the patients with the necessary treatment in care in case of terrorist attack. In such situations, medical staff has to make immediate decisions and it’s vital to have all the necessary equipment ready for patients.

JCAHO requires all the hospitals in the US to exercise disaster plans periodically and to form disaster committees in order to make a quick response to the disaster consequences. The disaster committees are supposed to include key departments within the hospital which should consist of administration, nursing services, security, communications, laboratory, radiology, medical records, as well as maintenance/engineering. Developing a hospital disaster responding plan is a very complicated task which requires many efforts from the stuff of the hospital.

We are going to focus on the main details of the plan in order to provide its complex description. In order to conclude a hospital disaster responding plan, the following principles and guidelines have to be applied in the process: ? The first step in disaster planning is a detailed and complex analysis of the possibilities of the disaster occurrence in the community. Hazard analysis needs to be made very carefully, and all possible forms of disaster classified.

A part of the analysis has to focus on determining the scope of the possible effect from the disaster on the community and its healthcare system. ? It’s important to use available guidance and planning materials which are available from the Division of Emergency Management or Department of Health in the community. ? The development of general disaster response and recovery plans goes in 4 stages which include mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Mitigation is the identification of potential hazards and means available to minimize their potential effect.

Preparedness stands for dealing with the disaster in the hospitals’ area from the onset. Response addresses the immediate unmet needs of the affected population, and specifically an outbreak of a contagious disease. Recovery includes measurements which need to be taken to return everything in the community back to normal, and which may be short-term or long-term. ? A team approach should be used for the most efficient planning. Disaster planning requires a team efforts to ensure that the most realistic and complete plan is prepared.

There is also recommended participation of representatives from local public health, emergency management who can give useful ideas. The application of team planning is very beneficial because in such a case the plan is more likely to pass a common sense check. It will involve individuals from the hospitals in the region, local public health who can bring expert experience and information. ? Involvement of local government officials also appears very beneficial in planning; ? Building on existing planning efforts if those are applicable for the case.

Existing plans are able to provide information about local legal authorities used in the past with which the hospitals had agreements, so it will be much easier to do the rest of the planning. ? Assistance has to be looked for because there are many resources which are able to provide help for the hospital disaster planning. For example, The Division of Emergency Management Regional Liaison Officers are able to provide all the necessary advice to the hospital on disaster planning. ? Taking advantage of training opportunities which are offered by The Division of Emergency Management and other organizations.

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