Holistic approach

These are some of the methods institutions and schools make use of their students so that they meet their goals and objective. In the process the basic necessity of the role of institutions gets disrupted and this also puts student’s career at task and leads to jeopardy. There has to be a balancing act which requires taking place between the activities of fundraising and sponsorships and as such needs to work together that in the process will ensure a united and a holistic approach (Lakehead University, 2003).

If internet campaign is adopted to raise funds, then involving the employees or students can be eliminated thoroughly there by allowing the students to be totally engrossed in their studies. But such internet campaigns can be volunteered by the students who timely monitor the online system for its updates and the development that has taken place with regards to the funds that have been raised. Fundraising in schools does have an educational aspect only if students are allowed to discuss the cause and the advantages after the activity takes place.

But sometimes these funds are collecting by students by pressurizing their friends and parents there by generating awareness along with raising donations in the process. Since at times door to door sales is encouraged by schools so that they meet their objective, this activity is considered as a irritating event as they pasture and trouble the community to collect funds which in turn affects the safety and security of the students. ii. Incentives for Schools:

Fundraising incentives play a real time motivation for the purpose of being self driven to carry out such tasks in the future. The schools or the fundraisers should provide the following benefits and incentives to those involved in raising money for the organization. • They should give a certain percentage of the money raised to the class who has participated in this even and publicly recognizing their efforts. • The mentor of the parent or the teacher should also be given due incentives for the leadership qualities shown in managing and getting things done the right way.

• If the funds raised are more then the expected goals then this extra could be distributed to the students or the class there in. • Encourage and motivate the students by providing them with bonus amount for achieving greater than 100% results. • Develop certain packages for the teachers as well as the class which has performed the highest sales by treating them with either monetary or non-monetary awards. • Rating system also could be allotted student wise and teacher wise so that every ones knows their ranks and the points they have achieved (Reynolds, K. 2007).

Even if the reward is a petty amount it creates a huge difference in terms of encouragement and motivation for the participants involved. The various rewards that exist are known as:  Sales reward which indicates that the volume of sales will determine the level of rewards to be availed off. Progressive rewards which mean that the incentives should be bundled into higher ones depending on the work put in. ? Valuable rewards – award those who have greatly generated values and award them accordingly.

Big customer rewards – providing coupons to high business generated customers to motivate the customers as well as to build a positive image.  Volunteer rewards – Since the volunteers should be ready and happy to service the old fundraisers, they should be awarded in much higher regards.  Appreciation, recognition – are the necessities which needs to be encouraged by providing discounts, prizes, parties, group outing etc.  Tiered rewards – for higher and greater sales volume, better rewards should accompany them and those who have performed less could be given lesser.

Classroom incentives – the school could help the participants by awarding them with school supplies, extra facilities and privileges. Party rewards – to increase the competitive spirit between individual groups the atmosphere could be built up by providing sweets, snacks, ice creams, parties, field trips etc. ? Quality rewards – initiate an award system to those who really have accomplished a great and worth admiring task only then will the true meaning of rewards system will be built (Reynolds, K. 2007).

These are some of the best known incentives that can be programmed by organizations and schools to help and boost the spirits of the participating bodies. The incentive program structure should be awarded appropriately so that they are proud of participating towards their value system. Thus a social community must be developed by motivating the participants so as to promote for repeat businesses which can be done by awarding the volunteers handsomely. If this is not taken care off then the volunteers will be de-motivated and the fundraising activity may not be successful.

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