HIV/AIDS support

The study has benefits. Policy analysis can assist in the formulation of possible policy options on HIV/AIDS preventive strategies. Recommendations on policy options that reflect the millennium development goal to combat HIV/AIDS could provide clarification and guidance to policymaking by the South African government. The results of this research can also assist in the development of new implementation strategies for policies and activities in countries, which are still far behind from achieving the health related goals included in the millennium development goals.

The aim of the study is to conduct policy analysis on the policies addressing HIV/AIDS in South Africa tied to the millennium development goals. By doing so, the study would derive insights on how the millennium development goals inform the South African governments of policy options in combating HIV/AIDS and the manner that the South African government’s policies against HIV/AIDS support the achievement of the collective goal to combat HIV/AIDS by 2015. To achieve these aims, the study investigates the following research questions: 1. What are the policies developed by the South African government addressing the issue of HIV/AIDS?

2. How do the millennium development goals inform the South African government over its policy options in combating HIV/AIDS? 3. How well do the policies adopted and implemented by the South African government that addresses HIV/AIDS ensure the achievement of the millennium development goals? 4. What are challenges or issues in national policymaking on the HIV/AIDS target in the millennium development goals? 5. How can these challenges or issues be effectively resolved to improve national policy development to ensure fulfilment of the millennium development goals by 2015?

The organization of the paper is into six chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the topic and provides a background of the research problem, identifies the aim, lists the research questions, and describes the organization of the paper. Chapter 2 contains the review of literature on the research problem to provide the framework analysis. Chapter 3 discusses the methods employed in the study. Chapter 4 contains the research findings and results. Chapter 5 provides a discussion of the findings. Chapter 4 ends the paper with conclusions and recommendations.

In conjunction with the millennium development goals, South Africa has set its specific targets. In its report in 2005, the South African government stated that it has identified earlier deadlines for the actions intended to achieve the development goals and …

The development of health policymaking in South Africa coincides with its apartheid history (Baldwin-Ragaven, de Gruchy & London, 1999) that led to the limited attention given to health institutions and issues (Penn-Kekana & Blaauw, 2002). Before the shift in the …

It was clear that government action was a key aspect of efforts to address the issue of HIV/AIDS in South Africa. With a more stable political environment, foreign aid, and pressure from the international community, the government drafted a framework …

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