HIV/AIDS in South Africa

Conducting the document study occurs in a process made up of a number of steps. First step is identify the data requires, which in the study of policymaking on HIV/AIDS in South Africa in the context of the millennium development goals includes documents on the HIV/AIDS situation in South Africa, trends in policymaking on HIV/AIDS, purpose and influence of the millennium development goals on national policymaking, manner that South Africa has adopted the millennium development goals in its policymaking on HIV/AIDS, and impact of these policies in addressing HIV/AIDS and meeting the collective goal to combat HIV/AIDS by 2015.

Second step is searching library and document databases for documents using keywords such as HIV/AIDS, health policymaking in South Africa, international influence on national policymaking, MDG, and other useful keywords. Third step is going through the wide range of documents and selecting the documents that inform the research about the research problem and aim. Fourth step is integrating the contents of the documents and analysing data. Sub-Saharan Africa is a region of 24. 3 million square km, and all but six African countries are geographically a part of this region.

Thus, it would be challenging and difficult in practice to analyse policies of all these countries. Therefore, as stated before and the reasons, therefore, South Africa is used as the sample for this study. Within this country, there is a sample or basket of policies available for review because of more developed policymaking in this country when compared to other countries in the region. In addition, South Africa lies at the centre of the HIV/AIDS issue in the region and the world so policymaking on HIV/AIDS is best investigated in South Africa.

The sampling of policies applies purposive sampling method (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2003) using relevance and impact as the criteria for selection. Only key policies on HIV/AIDS were considered in the study. This kind of approach is necessary to be used in this study since 100% sampling of all direct and indirect policy development is not needed due to the complexity, volume of work and constraints in time. The analytical approach of the study is policy analysis, which is “a multi-disciplinary approach to public policy that aims to explain the interaction between institutions, interests and ideas in the policy process” (Walt et al. , 2008, p. 308)

Policy analysis provides two functions to the present study. One is to assist in understanding past failures and successes of implemented policies and policymaking processes. The other is to support future policy development and implementation. (Parsons, 1995) In relation to future policy developments, the policy analysis is an important part of reforms in health policy (Walt & Gilson, 1994) and this aligns with the purpose of the present study is to recommend ways of improving health policies on HIV/AIDS and health policymaking by the South African government.

The consideration is an important aspect of health policymaking because employing policy analysis not only determines problems in existing policies but also provide for areas of improvement. Policy analysis is progressive because its direction is towards positive change or improvements. There are many methods of doing policy analysis but three were employed in the research. These methods focused on the quality of the policies as well as the process of policy development.

The results of the study addressed the aim of evaluating the HIV/AIDS policies of South Africa in light of the millennium development goals by using policy analysis. The purpose of the study is to investigate international influence on national policymaking …

The development of health policymaking in South Africa coincides with its apartheid history (Baldwin-Ragaven, de Gruchy & London, 1999) that led to the limited attention given to health institutions and issues (Penn-Kekana & Blaauw, 2002). Before the shift in the …

The study has benefits. Policy analysis can assist in the formulation of possible policy options on HIV/AIDS preventive strategies. Recommendations on policy options that reflect the millennium development goal to combat HIV/AIDS could provide clarification and guidance to policymaking by …

In conjunction with the millennium development goals, South Africa has set its specific targets. In its report in 2005, the South African government stated that it has identified earlier deadlines for the actions intended to achieve the development goals and …

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