HIV/AIDS in America

The last step is that, whatever was agreed upon in the camp should be presented in Congress. It should be presented by different individuals so as to give different views regarding the matter. It should have fresh standpoints and there should be an eye for detail. T

he proposals should have both a presentation of the current situations of HIV/AIDS in America and how Americans really feel about it and the second part is that, it should also give suggestions on how it can be prevented (as per viewed by young Americans).

Realistically, the four steps that are suggested above are feasible. But, it cannot happen if there is no participation and cooperation of the American people. Together with the efforts of our government and our initiative, we will be able to inform our fellowmen and the world as well about what really HIV/AIDS is and how it affects the lives of more than 40 million citizens of the world.


Council, G. H. (2007). HIV/AIDS [Electronic Version]. Retrieved August 2, 2007 from http://globalhealth. org/view_top. php3? id=227.

AIDS is an acquired immune deficiency syndrome that first starts off as a virus (HIV) and if not treated it turns into AIDS which is the third and final stage of the HIV virus. Today AIDS is considered to be …

The distribution of AIDS in America by race/ethnicity Since HIV and AIDS epidemic began, more than half a million people have already died in USA because of AIDS (Steven, 2007, pp. 1221-1228). Currently there are over one million people who …

HIV and AIDS is still a widespread disease in America and the world. In 2005, there was an estimated 40 million people globally that was infected by HIV/AIDS. (Council, 2007) In the United States, a massive effort to prevent and …

The first cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) were reported in 1981 in the United States. Thereafter, cases of HIV became more common in the following years. Since HIV is transmitted basically through behavior that individuals can control, HIV/AIDS educational …

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