HIV Vaccine

A qualitative focus group interview guide was developed for data collection, as stated in the journal article. (Brooks, 2007) All of the related study materials and also the interview guide were translated into Spanish and back-translated into English and then revised in Spanish to create Spanish-language materials. This procedure is consistent with the purpose of the qualitative approach selected in this study. To protect the right of the subjects, written informed consents were given prior to the focus group interview. (Brooks, 2007) There is also some evidence that showed the data saturation was achieved.

G. Data Analysis Procedure The focus group discussions were transcribed verbatim and translated into English for data analysis in this study. They used a soft-ware program for computer-based text search and retrieval known as Ethnograph and an analytical approach using the techniques from the grounded theory was used. (Brooks, 2007) Several readings of the transcripts were performed by the investigators using narrative thematic analysis to identify major themes and also a line-by-line interview was likewise performed and first-level codes were noted.

The text of the first-level codes was printed and further reviewed using comparative method and sub-codes were defined to divide the first level codes into finer categories. (Brooks, 2007) All I can say in the data analysis procedure is appropriate and consistent with the qualitative approach used in the study. The researcher really finds a systematic way on how to analyze the data obtained from the focus group discussions. In fact, tailor-made computer database software was even used to make sure that the content of the data is being analyzed well and the statements made by the subjects must be compared with one another.

The paper also showed an evidence of “quality control” in which multiple readings of the transcripts were performed not only by one investigator but more than one to confirm that they are assigning the same meaning to the data obtained. (Greenhalgh, 1997) Moreover, the results obtained here in this study are independently and objectively verifiable and can be considered as credible. For example , a particular statement made by a subject like different quotes and examples are indexed and can be traced back to a specific subject and setting without any doubt and confusion. H. Strengths and Limitations

The two major strengths are: firstly, the data analysis explain explicitly why Spanish-speaking Latinos behave in the way they do which is their reluctance to participate in HIV vaccine trials mainly due to the most prominent concern that is mistrust and fear of government and government-sponsored HIV/AIDS medical research. Secondly, the above explanation fit together with what we already know as supported by previous researches and studies that indeed similar concerns have been documented as reasons for lack of participation by African Americans and English-speaking Latinos in HIV and non-HIV related medical research. (Brooks, 2007)

The two major limitations are the following: firstly, the limited number of participants recruited from the two community sites serving Spanish-speaking Latinos and secondly, the study does not provide information on the prevalence of concerns or beliefs surrounding participation in HIV vaccine trials by the Latinos. The implication of the first limitation is more on the results meaning due to the limited number of participants recruited only at the Los Angeles area, the results in this study cannot represent nor cannot generalize a larger Latino population not only along the Los Angeles area but also among the Latinos all across the U.

S. So it is recommended that future studies should have a wider area of coverage for the recruitment of subjects that will represent the entire Spanish-speaking Latinos population and also a study that will focus on the differences of perspectives among Latinos by language, gender and country of origin. (Brooks, 2007) The study findings are valid and the conclusions drawn are justifiable because the interpretation of the results during the data analysis procedures are in accordance with the method which is appropriate with the qualitative method used and not influenced with personal or cultural bias of the researchers.


Brooks, R. A. , et. al. , (2007). HIV Vaccine Trial Preparedness among Spanish-speaking Latinos in the US. AIDS Care, 19 (1): 52-58. Greenhalgh, Trisha and Rod Taylor, (1997). How to Read a Paper: Papers that Go Beyond Numbers (Qualitative Research). Retrieved April 01, 2007 from http://www. bmj. com/cgi/content/full/315/7110/740.

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