Hiv Tests

A random population sample of 10,000 people would result in approximately 10 positive hits with the ELISA-based HIV test. The accuracy rate of the HIV test is 99. 82%. The HIV test that is based on the immunological detection of a HIV-specific protein, works through the use of antibodies that are specific to that particular HIV-specific protein. If the HIV-specific protein is present in the serum of an individual, the HIV test will result in a color reaction that is seen with the naked eye as a colored precipitate. The false-positive rate of the HIV test is 0.

18%, which means that this percentage is the frequency that the HIV test wrongfully detects that HIV-specific protein. The accuracy rate of a test can be calculated by subtracting 0. 18% from 100%, resulting in the value of 99. 82. If 0. 1% of the population were infected with HIV, then approximately 10 individuals will generate positive results with the HIV test. Considering that the false-positive rate is 0. 18%, then will value can be multiplied by the number of positive results, which is 10, and the resulting value is 0.

018 and this value can be rounded off as O, meaning there are no individuals in the population of 10,000 that will show false-positive results. 2. (12 points) Using the Internet to find your answer, find an HIV test that may be performed either at home or in a clinic. a) Who manufactures the test? b) How does it work? c) What are the false positive and false negative rates (as %)? Maximum number of words: 400 Laboratory Assignment: HIV Tests a) OraSure Technologies, Inc. produces the OraQuick Advance® Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Test which has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This HIV test has also been waived as a rapid point-of-care test by the Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendments Act of 1988 (CLIA). b) The OraQuick Advance® Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Test works by using blood that has been collected from blood. Both finger-stick puncture and blood extracted from venipuncture may be used as material for this HIV antibody test. This HIV test is able to detect antibody from both HIV-1 and HIV-2 subtypes. c) The accuracy rate of the OraQuick Advance® Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Test is 99. 00% and the false positive rate is 0. 001%.

The false negative rate of this HIV test is 0. 001%. Based on the precision and accuracy of this HIV test, more than 180,000 sites in the United States will employ this HIV antibody test in screening for HIV in clinics, organizations and hospitals. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has also recognized the power of this HIV antibody test.


Burke D, Brundage J, Redfield R, Damato J, Schable C, Putman P, Visintine R and Kim H (1988). “Measurement of the false positive rate in a screening program for human immunodeficiency virus infections. “. N. Engl. J. Med. 319(15): 961-4.

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