HIV and Children

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS or Aids) is a collection of symptoms and infections resulting from the specific damage to the immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is a problem of 21st century and no country remains unaffected by this “killer”. It is a well-known fact that AIDS takes away lives of thousands people annually.

The problem is worsening when HIV touches innocent children, because they are too young to understand what is going on and what consequences will be. HIV-infection is a major setback to child death. Over the past 20 years 20 million adults and 1. 5 million children have been infected with HIV. The statistic seems really horrifying. Furthermore, children may be born with HIV infection. HIV more frequently occurs in Africa and South Asia, especially in India partly due to absence of professional medicine.

Projections are published to present the incidence and prevalence of HIV and AIDS in England and Wales for 1995-1999: the fall is expected among homosexuals, though the rise is expected among heterosexuals (up to 25%) and among children whose mother are infected (up to 60%). Management of children with HIV infection considering is a serious stress for the whole family; because child’s positive test suggests that either father or mother is infected.

It is apparent that treatment should concentrate not only on medical care, but also on family and social care. Medical care tries to prevent and to treat infected organs, whereas social and family care aims at providing support and help in disease treatment process. Therefore, the main points to pay address are: to examine the statistics concerning child’s HIV infection; to provide an overview of countries exposed the most to HIV infection and, finally to define proper ways of disease management both in hospitals and at homes.Although treatments for AIDS and HIV exist to slow the virus’s progression, there is no known cure.


AIDS. org. (n. d. ). Retrieved January 16, 2067 from http://www. aids. org/ Basic Facts About HIV/AIDS. (n. d. ). Retrieved January 16, 2067 from http://www. amfar. org/cgi-bin/iowa/abouthiv/record. html? record=3&gclid=CPbIv5jI5YkCFRQFEAodOlArGg Sharland, Mike et al. (1997). Paediatric HIV Infection. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 76, 293-297.

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There is clearly a need for revolutionary strategies – in addition to the resources to employ them – if children affected by HIV/AIDS are not to be treated in a manner that jeopardizes their rights and contradicts accepted good practice …

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