Hiv and aids

HIV/AIDS In our world, today there are all types of infectious diseases that are treatable and untreatable. For HIV and AIDS there is no cure, but the expert has been researching for years, and they have not come up with a cure yet, but they can control the AIDS and HIV virus. If a person has HIV that does not mean they have AIDS, it means they have the virus that can cause AIDS. There have been so many people that have come encountered the AIDS and HIV virus. Many people are living with HIV and AIDS and doing well. Some people think that AIDS and HIV are the same disease, but it is not the same at all.

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. As soon as the HIV attacks the immune system it break down the cells that help keep the body healthy then eventually it turns into AIDS. HIV can turn into AIDS, but it will take months or years before it can be full-blown AIDS. If the virus has encounter then that individual can live with this disease for years with the right medication, physical exercise, eating healthy food and taking care of him or herself the best way they can.

When the virus attacks a person immune system, and when that happens the immune system is working triple time to fight off the disease that is attacking your cell. If the disease keep fighting your body than the body cannot produce cells to fight back. If HIV destroys, the CD4 cells that mean the white blood cell count cannot help the body fight the disease. When the CD4 cells are weakening in your body, the cells are destroyed. If an individual CD4 count falls below 200, they will experience a complication of cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, tuberculosis, and pneumocystis pneumonia.

Your body will not be able to identify between the cells and virus than your body will meet a lot of infections and disease, and it is going to be hard for the body to fight them diseases and infections off (“HIV/AIDS”, AUGUST 2011). . Having AIDS or HIV you will start to have all kind of symptoms that include: Fever Sore throat Swollen glands Rashes Fatigue Muscle and joint aches and pains Headache Weight loss Pneumonia Memory loss Depression and neurologic disorders Blotches on the skin, under the skin, inside the mouth, nose and eyelids HIV can spread through body fluids.

There are different ways of contracting HIV or AIDS. Having sex is one way of contracting the disease, blood transfusions, sharing needles, and a pregnant mother. Having sex means anal, vaginal or oral sex with an infected partner whose blood semen or vaginal secretions enter your body. A blood transfusion means that the virus can be pass through having a blood transfusion at a hospital. Sharing needles means dirtying needles and syringes that has been used or contaminated with infected blood. A pregnant mother with the disease can pass the virus to their unborn child during delivery of birth and by breast-feeding the baby.

Homosexual people thought that they were the only people that can get this disease, but oh was they wrong. After all, of these years of research anyone can contract the AIDS and HIV virus (“HIV/AIDS”, AUGUST 2011). . There is drugs and treatment that can help control the HIV and AIDS virus, but there is no cure for this disease. The classes of anti-HIV drugs include: Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) Protease inhibitors (PI) Entry or fusion inhibitors Integrase inhibitors Fish oil supplements can help bring down numbers.

Whey protein can help some people gain weight and reduce diarrhea and increase CD4 counts There are so many methods to use to control the spread of HIV and AID. First people need to know information about the disease before saying anything to others. Second practice having safe sex with your partner or multiple partners because unprotected sex can lead to many diseases. Third no needle sharing or intravenous drugs use. Fourth, get test every 6 month to a year. Avoid having body piercing or tattoos performed by anyone, but licensed professionals only.

Just be more careful when dealing with a person that has the virus. What I mention above is the leading cause of the virus so just take precautions so that you will not contact the disease. As for the community should have everyone get a free AIDS and HIV test done to help people know if they have the disease or not.They can send out professional to go to their homes and do a routine test to make people feel comfortable because some people are scared to go into a doctor office for a test like that.

Reference HIV/AIDS. (AUGUST 2011). Retrieved from http://WWW. MAYOCLINIC . COM.

There are many ways to be diagnosed with AIDS, but the most common test is an ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) test. This test checks if antibodies for AIDS are present, if so, the test is positive. Although there is no …

AIDS means acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS is past from person to person. The disease attacks the immune system which is not strong enough to fight this deadly disease. The AIDS disease has a number of symptoms and conditions that come …

Most people believe they know what causes AIDS. For a decade, scientist, government officials, physicians, journalists, public-service ads, TV shows, and movies have told them that AIDS is caused by a retrovirus called HIV. This virus supposedly infects and kills …

What is HIV/AIDS and how does it work? HIV is a chronic, potentially fatal disease, caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV). HIV is a sexually transmitted infection. It can also be spread by breastfeeding, blood on blood contact with someone …

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