Hiv and ads science report

Have you ever wondered what HIV or AIDS are? HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It causes AIDS which stands for acquired immune deficiency. These viruses attacks the immune system and can cause you to die because it attacks your helper T cells. There are no cures, but you can take medication to help with the symptoms. AIDS and HIV are STD. When one person has AIDS and you have contact with that person they can transmit that disease to you. Another way you can develop AIDS is when you have a blood transfusion and receive blood from a person who has AIDS.

Today in the United States that rarely ever happens because blood is screened before they give it to someone. Mothers can also give AIDS to the babies. When the mother is pregnant the mother can give the baby AIDS because they share the same blood circulation. Mothers can also give their children the disease through the mothers milk. AIDS and HIV are two diseases that many people have and do not know, and it kills many. How do HIV and AIDS affect my body? HIV and AIDS affects you body because everyone has what is called an immune system.

Your immune system has a specific cell that fights off bacteria and viruses. They fight off the bacteria and viruses so you don’t get sick. One of those vital cells that help make the antibodies (the cell that fights off bacteria and viruses) are Helper T cells. Helper T cells promote the activity and function of B cells. Helper T cells can be found in your blood, lymph nodes, and other places in you body. After HIV enters your body, it makes copies of itself using the Helper T cells. At first your body can handle the loss of Helper T cells, but after time more and more copies of HIV are produced.

Eventually your body can no longer take it and your immune system weakens, that is when AIDS develops. With a weak immune system you cannot fight off bacteria and viruses. That is when you get sick and can cause death. Every year more and more people are diagnosed with HIV and AIDS. What many people don’t know is that AIDS and HIV can be prevented. There are three main ways the disease is transmitted. The first way is through sexual contact with a person with AIDS or HIV. Another way to get the disease is through blood transfusions.

Today it is very rare to get the disease through blood though because blood is now screened before given to any patient. Unsterilized needles also can spread the disease. Also mothers can give their child the disease. Mothers with AIDS or HIV can give their children AIDS and HIV. Mothers can give their child the disease because they share the same blood circulation. Mothers can also give their child the disease through the mother’s milk. There are more ways to get the disease but these are the main ways most people get the disease.

To prevent this disease you can use protection and tell your doctor that you have AIDS when you are pregnant so that they can treat your baby when your child is born. In conclusion AIDS and HIV are harmful virus that attacks the immune system. HIV is what causes AIDS because when HIV causes the immune system to weaken to much AIDS develops. What makes the virus worse is that there is no cure for the diseases, but there are medicines to help cure the disease. AIDS and HIV are two bad diseases that many people have all over the United States. AIDS and HIV.

What is AIDS and HIV? There are many STD diseases; two of those diseases are AIDS and HIV. AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency. These to diseases are virus. AIDS and HIV are like puzzle pieces, when you have HIV you often develop AIDS. AIDS is not a virus that you automatically know you have. AIDS all starts from a HIV infection. People infected with HIV can often not know for up to ten years, HIV symptoms often don’t occur for up to ten years or longer. Even though there are no symptoms you can still transmit HIV to others.

When you have a HIV infection and it is not treated, the immune system weakens and that is when AIDS develops. When symptoms occur they are often the chills, a fever, rashes, night sweats, swollen lymph glands, weakness, and extreme weight loss. You get AIDS from HIV so the question is “What is HIV? ” HIV is a virus. HIV infects the vital cells located in the immune system. One of those vital cells is the helper T cell. The helper T cell is important because it simulates the B cells to divide and form cells that produce antibodies.

Without antibodies our body cannot fight through viruses we are already immune to, or new virus. When the immune system weakens and is not treated, that is when AIDS develops. AIDS and HIV are often called AIDS/HIV because of their partnership. STD causes AIDS/HIV. AIDS and HIV are very bad diseases because the do not have a cure for the disease yet. Many people die every year from these two diseases and they often do not know they have the disease until it is to late. AIDS and HIV are two dangerous disease that cause many deaths in the United States.

AIDS and HIV How do you get AIDS and HIV? AIDS and HIV were first reported in June of 1981. Since then 1. 7 million people have died from AIDS and HIV. AIDS and HIV are two diseases. How do you get these diseases? AIDS and HIV are STD. Many people get AIDS and HIV. Although AIDS and HIV are STD there are a few other ways the disease can be transmitted. AIDS and HIV are STD. AIDS and HIV is not only STD, but it can also be transmitted through blood transfusions. Today getting AIDS and HIV through blood transfusions is highly unlikely.

Today all blood is screened for disease before given to another patient. Mothers with AIDS or HIV can give their children AIDS and HIV. Mothers can give their child the disease because they share the same blood circulation. Mothers can also give their child the disease through the mother’s milk. Many people have died from AIDS and HIV. 1. 7 million people is way to much. There is no cure for AIDS and HIV but there are ways to prevent the disease. Using protection and telling your doctor if you have AIDS when your pregnant. AIDS and HIV Can HIV and AIDS be prevented?

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, which is a common infection in he U. S. Every 9 ? minutes, people are getting infected with this disease. It is estimated that 1. 7 million people have gotten infected and 1. 1 million are living with the disease now! Is there a way to prevent this dangerous disease? Actually, there are many things you can do to prevent getting this virus. The most conmen way to get HIV and AIDS is through sexual contact with someone who has the disease. You can also get HIV and AIDS when you have contact with someone’s blood, when that person has AIDS.

A way to prevent getting the disease this way is to keep wounds and cuts covered. You can also get AIDS or HIV from blood transfusions. Although today it is highly unlikely because all blood is screened before given to another patient. You also get the disease from unsterilized needles. If you are going to a tattoo shop make sure the needle has been sterilized or make sure it is a new needle. If you are going anywhere where you might have contact with a needle (getting ears pierced, tattoo, doctors and getting shots) make sure the place is clean and sanitary.

Preventing AIDS and HIV is usually not such a hard disease to prevent. You only have to do a couple things sometimes such as covering wounds, so you can live a long, happy life without having to say I’m living with AIDS and HIV. Although you can prevent the disease you can’t always prevent it. Sometimes you are just born with the disease. People all over the world are getting infected with the disease and dying. Make sure you are doing what you can to help stop HIV and AIDS and not to speed the disease.

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What is HIV? HIV stands for human immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system. The virus remains in the body and damages the immune system causing the person to remain infectious. They can then spread the …

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AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The illness alters the immune system, making people much more vulnerable to infections and diseases. This susceptibility worsens as …

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