History of aspirin

Aspirin is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world.. For centuries people throughout the world. Aspirin was discovered about 3500 years ago. A collection of 877 medicinal recipes, The Ebers papyrus, before Christ, from the middle of the second millennium had been bought during the last century from an Egyptian street vendor by Georg Ebers, a German Egyptologist Georg. He recommended an infusion of dried myrtle leaves for rheumatic and back pain.

More than a thousand years later the father of all doctors, Hippocrates of Kos, prescribed a juice extracted from the bark of the willow tree for labor pains and also for fever and pain. The active substance in this juice, which does in fact ease pain, is what we know today as salicylic acid. Being derived from the Latin word for willow, its name gives a clue as to its origin : Salix. It is now known that it is precisely salicylic acid that is contained in the myrtle leaves which the Egyptians used to treat and relieve pain. Advantages of Aspirin.

Aspirin helps relieve pain from headaches and arthritis, and reduces fever from infections. It also reduces inflammation due to illness or injury. The drug interferes with blood clotting, and thus it is useful in preventing heart attacks, strokes, and other disorders that involve blood clots. Disadvantages/Hazards of Aspirin Aspirin is a relatively safe drug when taken as recommended. But it can be irritating to the stomach lining and cause some stomach bleeding. A few people, are allergic to aspirin and can become very sick if they take it.

Aspirin should not be given to children with chicken pox or influenza. Reyes Syndrome is a serious condition that can be caused if used during the conditions. Related Careers – Dispensing Facilities – Retail Outlets – Institutions – Manufacturing – Pharmacy Technicians Recruiting Firms – Research and Academia – Temporary Placement Firms – Wholesalers/Distributors Environmental Issues EPA findings concluded that groundwater and soil at the site are contaminated with pharmaceuticals.

Also, the EPA concluded that people who drink or come in contact with the water from the wells tapping the aquifer may be at risk. The company is required to complete immediate cleanup which includes installation of replacement wells, 22 groundwater monitoring wells and a fiberglass reinforced concrete pad around the tank area to prevent rainwater from seeping into the ground. In addition, vacuum extraction wells will be employed to withdraw carbon tetrachloride from the soil. Once the immediate clean-up at the plant is completed, the site will be monitored for at least ten years.

In addition to covering all costs for the immediate remedies at the plant, the company must post assets to cover the cost for clean-up at their R&D building, and future monitoring and cleanup for both sites. The company will also set aside a significant amount of money for a “20-year fund” to reimburse those people who believe the contaminated water increased their chances of getting cancer or other diseases. The company faces total damages.

Bibliography biology. about. com/library/weekly/aa050798. htm.

Aspirin is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world.. For centuries people throughout the world. Aspirin was discovered about 3500 years ago. A collection of 877 medicinal recipes, The Ebers papyrus, before Christ, from the middle of …

The question of this science fair project question is “Does Aspirin Effect Plant Growth. ” This is a good question because aspirin help human get better but, will it help plant grow bigger. Or maybe it makes the plant grow …

The question of this science fair project question is “Does Aspirin Effect Plant Growth. ” This is a good question because aspirin help human get better but, will it help plant grow bigger. Or maybe it makes the plant grow …

Hippocrates of Cas (460-377 B. C. ), The Healer, noted that chewing leaves of willow (Salix) reduced pain, and he prescribed this remedy for women in labor. The Healer certainly did not discover this drug, which was used for centuries …

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