Hippocratic oath

The Hippocratic Oath was made by the father of medicine, Hippocrates. For over centuries, this oath has always been practice by the physicians worldwide. This is to create such respectable standards into medicine and healing. This oath is key elements of a physician’s belief and ideals towards his patients, practice and medicine in general. All physicians must commit such oath before beginning on their path on medicine as healers.

In the past, the physician taking the oath is seemingly like swearing by his most scared beliefs to fulfil his duty. And if he were to ever break his oath, that would be blasphemous, he would be breaking his promise to the gods. This would lead to an everlasting unblessed and unprosperous living – as what Greeks believed. When it seems like Hippocratic Oath will forever be honoured, this too, have been evolving along with the people and the world; the “Modernized Hippocratic Oath” as they said.

But with all its evolution, still it represents many of the main points of the ancient Hippocratic Oath. In particular, though additions of words such as “for criminal purpose” are the main purpose of the words of today’s Oath. Also, prohibitions of euthanasia and abortion have been omitted altogether, and the treatment of the relationships between student, teacher, and fellow physician has been greatly reduced. As mentioned, it is the same logic as it is with the authenticity of the Ancient Hippocratic Oath.

For it still requires some promises and commitments such as, to transmit or teach the art of medicine to deserving persons; utilize good judgment to provide beneficial treatment for patients; abstain from providing any harmful or dangerous treatments; refrain from intervening in cases that require greater skill and training; remain pure and holy in the practice of the profession; limit involvement with patients solely to the benefit of the patient’s health; give no cause for disrespect of the profession through word or deed; and keep confidential all that is learned through practice of the profession.

The oath concludes with a statement that if the physician will be able to apply and follow these precepts, he or she will enjoy happiness, success, and respect. The Hippocratic Oath is said to be out dated and holds no power over such things or such person. There are no sanctions or lethal punishment for those who violate its precepts, nor does it have room status in a court of law unless it is proven or exposed. The Hippocratic Oath is a vow whereby a doctor promises to prescribe regimen for the good of their patients according to the doctor’s ability and judgment and never to harm anyone.

It is simply a historical tradition – only conscience holds the power over the physicians and hopefulness over patients. Its persistent use during medical school graduation ceremonies; or before the term of practical education such as internships and residencies does provide a huge symbolic significance beyond title, beyond words, beyond actions. In essence, it emphasizes the unique role and responsibilities of the physician in activities of a high nature power and establishes a basis for the guiding principles of providing medical care, which include self-law, beneficence, non-maleficence and most especially – justice.

More than 2000 years ago Hippocrates who was known as the founder of medicine established a code of behavior for medical students. It is still recited by students about to enter medical practice today. The Hippocratic Oath addresses three major …

1. In the classical Hippocratic oath, the physician would be swearing on the Greek physician Apollo and the Greek Gods and Goddesses especially Hygieia (who is the Greek God of health, cleanliness and sanitation) and Panaceia (who is the Greek …

The Hippocratic Oath has been applied to doctors since the time of the Ancient Greeks. Medical students within this generation still swear upon Hippocratic’s Oath once commencing and concluding their medical studies. This brings into focus how important and how …

Hippocratic Oath is a standard that applies to all those who dedicated themselves in helping others in a sense of a medical care professionally. The Oath applies to doctors all around the world in order to do their job ethically …

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