Hippocratic oath

Hippocratic Oath is a standard that applies to all those who dedicated themselves in helping others in a sense of a medical care professionally. The Oath applies to doctors all around the world in order to do their job ethically and help others no matter what color their skin is or how poor or rich they are among other attributes that could affect their judgment. When it comes to health care, they all need to be treated the same. Personal opinions need to be put aside.

Hippocratic Oath was established by a Greek philosopher Hippocrates. After graduating medical school every graduate needs to vow to the oath that he will follow its rules in a practice. The purpose of the oath is to assure that every individual will get a proper health care and that the hospital and every single doctor as an entity all around the world will protect patients’ interest and treat him/her the best possible way. The standard is required and as already previously mentioned the graduate can’t leave the school without pledging to the oath.

Every hospital in the world is under a certain inspection from the side of state health divisions. If there is a case that individual or even the entire hospital broke the oath and delivered the practice that was not according to the rules, consequences could be great.

The rules are strict and if they are broken the whole hospital could go under an investigation, individuals could be suspended or fired, even prosecuted at the court. Consequence of the oath is that no matter where in the world medical health is received, an individual will be treated as a person with needs that will be fulfilled no matter what attributes that person has.

More than 2000 years ago Hippocrates who was known as the founder of medicine established a code of behavior for medical students. It is still recited by students about to enter medical practice today. The Hippocratic Oath addresses three major …

The Hippocratic Oath has been applied to doctors since the time of the Ancient Greeks. Medical students within this generation still swear upon Hippocratic’s Oath once commencing and concluding their medical studies. This brings into focus how important and how …

The Hippocratic Oath was made by the father of medicine, Hippocrates. For over centuries, this oath has always been practice by the physicians worldwide. This is to create such respectable standards into medicine and healing. This oath is key elements …

“In each house I go, I go only for the good of my patients.” The true essence of the Hippocratic Oath summed up by one sentence, is under moral pressure by the doctors who practice by this oath everyday. Physicians …

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