Hippocrates research paper

Hippocrates lived through the ages of 460 B. C to 370 B. C. He was the ancient Greek Physician of the age of Pericles. He is identified as the “most important figure in Medicine” and “The father of Medicine. ” He was born on the Island of Cos. It was believed that his father, also a physician, traveled around and learned some practices. When he comes home he practices it and taught Hippocrates the ways. Hippocrates was the only one who believed that diseases were separate from Religion terms. He was the founder of Medical school. He had his own practices and treatments.

He figured out diseases and how to treat them. Hippocrates was certain that diseases were not punishments from God(s). He separated the discipline of Medical from religion. Long ago people thought that if you did something wrong and you got sick it was because that person had angered the God(s). He thought that diseases were caused naturally and by Environmental factors. Theses environmental factors were based on diet and living habits. Hippocrates had practiced Humorism.

Humorism is the makeup and workings on the human body. It was the four bodily human fluids that influence their temperament and health. There were four humors of Hippocratic medicine. The Black bile would be “Earth” and your gall bladder. The Yellow Bile would be “Fire” and your spleen. The Blood would mean ‘Air” and your Liver. The last one would be the Phlegm which is water “water” and your brain/lungs. All of these elements were present in your blood.

When all of these things are in balance it meant you are healthy. These categorize determined your mood and how you acted. It was separated into the seasons and the qualities. He also organized which illness was which into Acute,

Chronic, Endemic, and Epidemic. Acute was a short disease. Chronic was a long term disease. Endemic was an infection and Epidemic was a certain disease that has occurred in a human population. The treatment was to be very gentle and careful. Hippocrates believed that it was needed for the workspace and the patient’s area to be very clean and sterile. For example only water and wine were used to clean and disinfect a wound or cut. The patient needs to be well rested and comfortable. It was also believed that everything should be done and treated naturally.

Drugs weren’t used to treat the patient’s only therapy diagnosis. However some drugs were used in occasion. This approach has been very victorious in treating very small conditions such as broken bones which required traction to stretch the skeletal system and relieve pressure on injured area. Hippocrates and Medical in Greece Research Paper Your instruments needed to be well kept. Hippocrates thought that you needed to clean and disinfect your tools which were used on patients before the next one. This way it wouldn’t spread any diseases.

You also needed to pay attention to specific aspects, such as lighting, personals, positioning of the patients. You needed professionalism. It was important for the physicians to be understanding, well kept, honest, calm and serious. Hippocrates also thought that you needed to take notes of the symptoms like complexion, pulse, pains, movements and etc. Last of all, those who wanted to go in the practicing into medical you needed to agree with the Hippocratic Oath. It was a Oath that states that you promise to practice medicine with moral principles. This is the oath in modern day.

Hippocrates was born on the island of Cos, Greece around 460 BC. (5) Hippocrates is known as the founder of medicine. He is believed to be the greatest doctor of his time. Not much is known much about his childhood. …

Hippocrates, greatest physician of antiquity, is regarded as the father of medicine. Born on the island of Kos, Greece in the year 460 b. c. , says the earliest biography written by Soranus of Ephesus in the a third century …

Over the span of history, numerous civilizations have tried to obliterate pain. Various methods have been applied, some with success, others with failure. However, from Ancient China to Ancient Greece, the basic belief that a higher being was responsible for …

Hippocrates, greatest physician of antiquity, is regarded as the father of medicine. Born on the island of Kos, Greece in the year 460 b. c. , says the earliest biography written by Soranus of Ephesus in the a third century …

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