Heritage Assesment

Every individual has a cultural heritage. Each culture views the world differently. Culture is an inherited characteristic and includes knowledge, beliefs, customs, skills, likes and dislikes. The fundamental role of cultural heritage is uniting, respecting the diversities and brings people together to face the future by informing, perceiving and give importance to the understanding of the past (need a reference) Heritage assessment tool was introduced for collecting information about different cultures, nationalities and build cultural competencies among health care professionals.

It is used to investigate a given population or ethnic group. The tool helps to perform a heritage assessment depending on how deeply the person identify and answers the questions and is helpful in setting the stage for understanding the health traditions of the person. The greater the number of the positive responses shows the person’s greater identification with traditional heritage. Traditional cultural knowledge makes people aware about the health maintenance, protection and restoration and is the three aspects of health promotion. It is derived from health beliefs and practices.

Physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the individual is given importance and is viewed differently in each culture. Health is considered as a true balance with in the body, spirit and mind and family, community and the natural forces of the world. People with different ethno cultural heritages tend to define illness and health in a holistic approach and have a different health beliefs and practices for each of them. Health maintenance, protection and restoration in a traditional way require the understanding and knowledge of the person’s ethno cultural heritage and health related resources.

These methods can be used along with or instead of modern health care techniques and are the integral part of a person’s given heritage. Health maintenance is the traditional or folk beliefs and practices people follow in their daily lives to attempt and keep them healthy. The physical methods used are nutritious diet, clean clothing and exercises. Nearly all populations identify a good and balanced diet, cleanliness and adequate diet for a good health maintenance. The mental methods of maintaining health are concentrating, supporting and engages in hobbies to keep the person active and stay healthy.

The example is looking for special sources of entertainment, games and ways of concentrating the traditional rules of behavior. The spiritual methods used are religious worships, prayers and meditations. The protection of health is the use of infrequent and seasonal methods to keep them healthy. The physical methods include special foods and symbolic clothing and different cultures follow various life style changes after certain life events. The one example is childbirth and different cultures follow certain changes after childbirth.

The mental methods used in promoting health are avoidance of certain people from their lives, family roles and activities and they follow rituals of self-protection. The spiritual methods involve are religious customs and superstitions. Many cultures believe in amulets, oils and water, which bring wealth to their health and stick to that tradition. Many remedies are used in the ancient and modern era for restoration of health. These methods are used during illness and are homeopathic, massages, herbal medications and acupuncture.

In restoration of health the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the individual is given importance. Special rituals and prayers, healers are given preference. Every individual’s health is influenced by their culture and beliefs and there is difference in the way of accepting health and illness in each culture. The maintenance of health in Indian (Native American Indian? or Eastern Indian? )culture is by eating vegetables and healthful foods and exercises. These methods keep them healthy and free from preventable diseases like diabetes, hypertension and other preventable health problems.

The protection of health is by the use of black pepper and licorice and use of other spices. Many of these spices have nutrient and anti-carcinogenic properties which help to preserve their health. For the restoration of health many home remedies are used to treat mild health problems. The examples are, for indigestion drink cumin water, for upset stomach drink butter milk, and sore throat drink turmeric in hot milk. Ayruveda is the Indian system of medicine and Indian medicine mixes with religion and patient’s natural environment.

Most of the people rely on herbal medications for the prevention and cure diseases. (www. bearspace. baylor. edu) Japanese population is actively involved and participates in health promotion and maintaining healthy habits of diet and exercises. Religion plays an important role in health care practices. Illness and hospitalization have a great impact on and the culture is collective, so the family should be included in the treatment plan and implementation of care. Nonverbal communication is a very important tool in these patients.

The health maintence in Japanese children is by giving them every morning a massage to keep them healthy. The protection of health is by gargle with salt and water, sleep well, and eat good food and exercise. In Hispanic culture, religion and spirituality are very important and they are culturally sensitive. (This sentence is unclear) Their culture is characterized by values that shape their behaviors and to the development of their identity. They give importance to their health and eat eggs and bread, good sleep and drink lots of tea for health maintenance.

The protection of health in Hispanic culture is by the use of herbs and amulets. The restoration of health is by the use of herbs and visiting traditional healers. The nursing heritage is involved in health care setting and aimed in the preservation of the overall health, caring for the people’s suffering and distress. This may include teaching sanitary methods to prevent the spread of infection. The nurse works with the other group of people in promotion, prevention and accepts help from the government leaders to support and reform the public health practices.

Services are offered to the humanity and community to overcome obstacles. Also the use of modern technology, empowerment, better resources and budget and organized care units can bring positive outcomes in the community and individual’s health (This sentence is unclear) By understanding the different cultures, the nurse will able to promote a positive change in the patient’s life. The culturally competent nurse develops an awareness of values, beliefs and heritage. The view of health and illness is perceived differently in various cultures.

To provide culturally competent care the nurse needs to have knowledge of different cultures. All individuals have their own heritages and when it comes to health and illness the maintenance, protection and restoration of health methods are different and many people follow their own cultural methods. The main point is whatever methods of maintenance, protection and restoration are used, a sound health is the goal. I think your conclusion could be stronger. “ In conclusion, nurses have a obligation to have an understanding of cultural awareness, this influences the patients the restoration of health. ”

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