Heredity or Genetics

There are many reasons why children become obese. Although there genes do play a role in this fiasco, it will be noted that it cannot alone be blamed for the inordinate amount of obese children that has continued. The most common causative factors that are linked to obesity can be construed as genetics, as was previously mentioned, add to that a lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating habits or more likely a combination of the factors mentioned. One can say that obesity is the same for adults and children, and the underlying cause the same also, too much intake of food and very little physical activity.

Realize that many children aged 8-16 years watches television for hours a day and it is shown that those children that watch the most television have the highest chance for obesity. Although in some rare cases, medical conditions, such as an endocrine disorder like hypothyroidism, may cause a child to become overweight. The family doctor can carry out a careful physical examination and maybe some blood tests, if at all necessary maybe done in order to rule out this type of problem. Familial Factors A child with two obese parents is most likely to be obese (Dietz, 1983).

This may be due to genes but parental representation as to eating and physical activities can also affect development of obesity among children. It is also of worth to note that parents at least half of parents of children in elementary do not engage in exercise or any physical activity. (Ross & Pate, 1987). Low or Decreased Physical Activities It may be realized that children sit in front of the television and in front of the computer not less than three to five hours a day leaving less time for a more physical activity.

It was noted that children who watch television for prolonged periods are more likely to be obese not only due to low physical activity but the concurrent intake of high-calorie munchies associated with watching television (Dietz & Gortmaker, 1985). A child’s total diet and their activity level both play an important role in determining a child’s weight. The increasing popularity of television and computer and video games contributes to children’s inactive lifestyles.

The average American child watches 4 hours of television each day, time that could be spent doing physical activity Genes as was previously mentioned do play a factor in the development of obesity. Moreover, infants who have overweight or obese mothers are found to be less active and prone to gain more weight by three months in comparison to babies born to mothers who have normal weights, suggesting that there might be a possibility of an inborn desire to conserve energy (Roberts, Savage, Coward, Chew, ; Lucas, 1988).

Although it might be noted that not all children who consume non healthy food and watch television for prolonged periods and generally have reduced physical activities develop obesity, so other predominant factors considered including genetics and recent researches show that there might be a correlation between obesity and genes. Genetic Factors may be realized as children whose parents or siblings are overweight is pegged at an increased risk of becoming overweight like the parents or siblings themselves.

Although it might be construed that weight concerns may run in families it is also of note that not all children with a family history of being obese will become obese or overweight as well. Genetic factors is considered to play a role in escalating the likelihood of a child being overweight or obese, shared family manners and norms such as eating and activity habits also influence body weight.

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