Healthcare System Of America: Are Patients Happy?

The USA healthcare system, as mentioned before is an entrepreneurial system, where the insurance attainment is through private or public sectors. Almost 60% of the insurance is attained through the employer of an individual and 5% When looking at the healthcare system of the USA, one cannot help but feel disappointed. With its one time proclamation of being the best provider of healthcare to its citizens in the world, the recent evidence is pointing towards the other side. The USA healthcare system with time is showing some serious flaws in it and both the government as well the insurance providers are responsible for the mess.

The figures of 2001 showed that more than 40 million Americans were without healthcare insurance. The problem gets complicated due to many neglects, and shot term and half hearted attempts that the companies and the government are carrying out to tide out the healthcare crises. (University of Maine, 2001) When studying the national measures of success in terms of healthcare, the United Health Foundation recently came up with recent percentages and statistics in 2006. After gathering statistics from 1990 to 2006, it was able to portray the amount of changes that have taken place during the course of years in the healthcare department.

There has been a 40% decrease in the numbers of motor vehicle deaths, and the incidents of infectious diseases have decreased up to 45% since 0990. Infant mortality rates have shown a decrease of 35%. Smoking prevalence, violent crimes and cardiovascular deaths have decreased to 30%, 23% and 20% respectively. There has a 15% decline in children of poverty, and occupational fatalities have been brought down to 44%. There has been a 47% increase in the immunization rates, and prenatal care has been improved by 10%. (Fischer, 2006)

The two areas of weakness identified included the 110 % increase in the obesity rates and 19% increase in the uninsured population. The report’s findings give a very positive outlook on the different measures taken to reduce different problems related to healthcare and can be used as a reference when planning statistical data in the future. (Fischer, 2006) Fischer’s study came up with many findings about the healthcare system of America. For example, patients may experience differences in healthcare provision in different states.

This difference in the provision of care and utilization of healthcare also affect the rate of spending among the states. In states which display high value costs, the volume and intensity of provision of care increases and vice versa. Although there may be more intensive efforts in provision of care and there may be introductions to new methods and technologies in healthcare delivery, the result may not necessarily be an improved healthcare provision. The outcomes therefore do not depend entirely on the number of services. (Fischer, 2006)

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