Healthcare expenses

Healthcare expenses in the U. S. medical care is generally high. This may be attributed to the improvement of medical facilities coupled to advanced technology. In some cases this costs my be reduced through having standardized procedures depending on the diagnosis. In some cases one may require a simple operation but the doctor may apt for a much more advanced and expensive procedure. The U. S medical system has been at cross road with the public health over the provision of preventive health care which would greatly reduce the number of diseases.

Different research on out patient chronic heart failure management has proved to greatly reduce medical costs however their implementation has been marred by limited resources. Conclusion Despite the effort put into the U. S. medical care, it still requires reforms. The medical care to a large extend is only concerned for a few people who can afford the treatment yet the public health, which can greatly cut down on the cost of medical care and also plays a great role in medical care as been over looked.


Schneider, M. J. (2000). Introduction To Public Health. MA: Jone and Bartlett. Klugman, C. (2006). Schiavo Terri Story: Story On Ethics, Politics and Morality. Law, Healthcare & Ethics Journal, 4(1), 3-3. Seow, H. , J. A. , Krumholz, H. M. , & Lynn, J. (2006). Health Services Research Isolation from Policy and Practice: The Example of CHF Management. The American Geriatrics Society Journal, 54(3), 535–540.

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