Healthcare Computing & Information Management

However, the system also had certain weaknesses. I do feel that these problems would even exist with the implementation of any information system in the hospital. The hospital had to spend a lot of money, which in turn had to be drawn from the patients. IT may have also involved stopping any other developmental scheme that would directly benefit the patients. It took a very long time to implement the system as a whole. As it involved implementing the system in a phased manner, the process was even more difficult as the staff members would be having problems frequently.

Implementation of the EMR scheme had to take several considerations such as training of the staff members, getting rid of the excess staff, altering the clinical services, etc. During the transition phase, as the staff members were experiencing difficulties; it may have also involved provision of patient care. The entire task of converting into electronic health records was not hassle-free and involved making certain critical modifications in the quality of care provided. Describe the terms of success or failure in the article Implementing EHR a Canadian Experience.

During the implementation of the Canadian system, a lot of problems, shortcomings and difficulties were faced. Different suppliers were providing the systems and each of these had to be tested and configured accordingly. The seemed to be time-consuming and had a negative effect on the functioning of the system. The organization also had difficulties implementing the system in a phased manner. They had to meet the staffing requirements and ensure that the communication needs are fulfilled. Besides, some sort of flexibility was also required in the organization.

Other difficulties also existed including: – • Having parallel governance structures • Problems with use of present software • Difficulties in having a coordinated and complicated functional system • Difficulties in comprehending how the system functions, ways of testing them and solving the problems associated with its use Compare and contrast the project approach and processes of Implementing EHR a Canadian Experience to that of the Mayo case. The experiences of implementing the Information system in the Canadian hospital and that of the British hospital were different.

The basic approach for developing and implementing the system were different, although the functional basis was the same. The Canadian system concentrated on having patient-centered services, whilst the English tried to develop it as an additional service. The English also developed it as a standard for all hospitals. It was set out in the National Programs. The Canadian hospitals felt the need to initiate such a system on their own interests. They had to set the investment aside to implement the system and having certain priorities.

The English system tried to ensure that the local needs of the population were being met by the system. This led limited scope for being customer-suited. The English system tries to focus on the primary care process such as transmission of information electronically from one healthcare organization to another. On the other hand, the Canadian system focuses on telemedicine and tele-health. Describe what processes and key elements are the most critical for overall project success and explain why

The entire project should be implemented in a phased manner so that the staff embers can get accomplished with the system and can ensure that they are ready for updates and further developments. A lot of collaborations, interactions and communications between various departments of the hospital are required. The information system would support collaborations between various clinical departments. Having consultants to ensure that the staff are trained and made familiar with the system.

The need to improve quality continuously, and to ensure that the existent infrastructure is developed and strengthened. The entire process of implementing the system should occur in three phases. In the initial phase, the basic infrastructure would be implemented. In the second phase, the hospital would shift to a paperless system and in the third phase a supporting system should be developed to streamline the process. Ensuring a quality control mechanism, risk management, workflow management and clinical guideline management. Ensure that certain standards are being implemented and maintained.

Some of the standards include usability testing, desktop configuration, screen layout, service agreement, allergy reporting, security and privacy, documentation, assessments, etc. Having a number of user interfaces and converting them to suit the requirements of the users Testing the applications in three phases, namely unit testing, regression testing and integration testing.

References: Lawrence, K. (2007), “Implementing EHR applications: a Canadian experience,” The British Journal of Healthcare Computing & Information Management, 24(4), pp. 17.

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