Health sector

Although, increasing taxes is a very effective way of reducing the number of smokers as well as the number of times smokers can afford to smoke cigarettes, there are people who are against such a move. They are mainly comprised of the cigarette manufactures who argue that increasing taxes on cigarettes will kill the industry and thus affect the economy negatively. They argue that decreased demand of cigarettes will imply that the level of productivity in their firms will decrease considerably forcing them to lay off some of their workers and this will worsen the already existing crisis of unemployment in the United States.

The manufactures of cigarettes also argue that although there will be increased taxes from the tobacco industry in the short, they will eventually decrease in the long run and thus the government will loose the revenues it derives from the industry (MediLexicon International Ltd, Para 2). On the other hand the proponents of the tax increase on tobacco who are mainly composed of organizations against drug abuse, environmentalists and those in the health sector argue that the US government does not benefit significantly from the tobacco industry. They in fact, argue that the government looses as a result of cigarette consumption.

The cost incurred by the government in treating illnesses resulting from cigarette consumption is much higher compared to the revenues it derives from the tobacco industry. Therefore, the government can be much better off without the revenues obtained from taxing cigarettes, other than taxing them and then using more money on the problems resulting from their consumption (MediLexicon International Ltd, Para 4). Conclusion In order for the public to be saved from the various illnesses that come about as a result of consuming cigarettes, there is an urgent need to discourage their consumption.

The authorities should therefore consider implementing the proposal on increasing taxes on cigarettes as this will act as a very effective tool in reducing the negative effects arising as a result of smoking cigarettes. A lot of people will as a result of implementation of such a proposal be saved from the agony of falling victims of the problems associated with consuming of cigarettes.

Work cited:

Lee, Jie-Min; Effect of a large increase in cigarette tax on cigarette consumption: an empirical analysis of cross-sectional survey data (2007): Retrieved on 9th June 2009 from, http://www. sciencedirect. com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B73H6-4SXRTRV-2&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=se arch&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=f080b9ff7ebc459d17a9e0edda2 4471a MediLexicon International Ltd;

Federal Cigarette Tax Increase and Current Economy Will Change Smoker’s Habits (2009): Retrieved on 9th June 2009 from, http://www. medicalnewstoday. com/articles/144471. php. Peterson, Bruce & Luepker, Russell V. ; Tobacco tax increase will save lives, save money (2009): Retrieved on 9th June 2009 from, http://www. minnpost. com/community_voices/2009/05/08/8658/tobacco_tax_increase_will_save_lives_save_money .

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