Health Sciences Division

By disclosing this kind of information the nurse is breaking the law that requires her not to divulge any kind of information that identifies a person with a notifiable disease to the unauthorized persons. The nurse therefore exposes herself to legal action by doing this. The nurse should encourage the client to disclose his HIV status to his fiance himself rather than doing it on his behalf or without his consent. 4. How to deal with grief I would respond to Mr. Jamison by assuring him that tears and anger are important for the healing process of grief.

I will tell him that by bereaving for his wife, he is showing that they had a strong relationship and it deserves such an emotion. I will also encourage Mr. Jamison to talk to me and let out his anger as i listen because, it helps him to express and release his anger and emotions. Anger and denial are emotions expressed during grief and I will let Mr. Jamison know that he is perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong with him because he is just mourning the death of his wife. I will explain to him that it takes time to fully comprehend that a loved one is completely out of our life. You can never stop missing a loved one.

I will assure him that eventually the pain will ease and his life will be back to normal. I will encourage Mr. Jamison to be patient with himself and understand that getting over the grief period will take time. For him to heal faster from the loss, I will encourage him to share his emotions with close relatives and friends to release his anger and emotions. I will encourage Mr. Jamison to accept the fact his wife is dead and he should stop being angry and move on with his life. He should get involved in positive activities like visiting friends, going to church, going to a support group to help him deal with the emotions of grief.

He should keep himself busy to avoid thinking about his dead wife. I will explain that feeling angry is normal because he now feels like he is alone in the world, but he should take it positively and move on. I will explain to him that grieving is normal and denying this process to take place will lead to physical symptoms and also prolong the grieving process. Feeling angry and blaming God is part of the ways of dealing with grief and must be experienced for the grieving process to be complete. (Potter, P. & Perry, A. (2007).


Potter, P. & Perry, A. (2007). Fundamental of Nursing. Elsevier- Health Sciences Division.

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