Health Related training exercise

I think that the exercise and activities I done were correct because they enabled me to use plyometrics and work above my training threshold and were specific to the factor of fitness for which I wanted to improve. Were the exercises in the correct order? Explain why/why not? I think that my exercise did not need a specific order after I had done a warm up but changing the order each week helped to prevent boredom and keep my interest. Each week, however, I think that the exercises were in an adequate order Did you make any changes to your programme?

Explain why you did/did not do so. The only changes I made to my programme was the intensity and length of time for which I done each exercise in order to create overload and stretch my body to its limit. I also added leg weights to my programme instead of shuttle runs because keg weights strengthen my quadriceps as well as my hamstrings, which would enable me to create a bigger explosive movement when changing direction suddenly. This made my exercise programme about 5 minutes longer.

Explain the effects performing had on you in any of the 5 sessions. I feel that I increased the effectiveness of my hamstrings and quadriceps as well as become slightly more agile when playing football in the position of goalkeeper. Were the results you achieved what you expected? Explain why this was/was not the case. The results I achieved was what I wanted but not what I expected because I did not know how much of an improvement to expect after training once a week for 5 weeks.

Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column. (max 6 marks) Final Evaluation Explain the fitness test result(s) you achieved after you finished your training programme. I did the same tests as I done before I started training to see if there was any improvement. Illinois agility test – 15.4 seconds Broad jump – 201 centimetres Sit ups in 30 seconds – 23 Press ups in 30 seconds – 22 These, in my opinion show a marked improvement for such a small amount of training and I am pleased with them.

Was the programme easy to manage (set up, do, record progress etc)? I think that the programme was very easy to mange due to a lot of the equipment needing very minimal amounts of set up. For example the treadmill only required me to set the time for which I would like to jog and how fast I wanted to go. Other exercises such as star jumps do not need equipment. Explain what progress or improvements you have made as a result of completing the programme. I have been able to jump three cm further in the broad jump test, as well as the Illinois agility test 20 milliseconds quicker. I have also improved in my press-ups and sit-ups slightly as well.

Did you enjoy it and work to your limit? How do you know? I enjoyed my training program very much and I feel that tedium did not set in at all. I feel I worked to my limit because my heart rate was above my training threshold for aerobic as well as anaerobic exercise. If you were going to continue with the programme what changes would you make? I would make sure that I go to the gym at least three times a week rather than just once. I would not, however change the program apart from make it progressive and encourage overload.

I fee that all my exercises went well, and gave me a good set of end resuts. My stamina stayed the same, my reaction time worsened, along with my power, however my coordination and agility improved. Evaluation Planning Make comments to explain the …

I have two P.E lessons and I walk most places everyday. This is approximately how much physical activity I get in a typical week. I don’t have any injuries or health problems. I think I am quite fit because I get …

Cross overs, Side step through the rope, taking your leading leg both in front and then behind the trailing leg. = Left foot = Right foot During the programme I will be using all of the above different ways each …

I am a 15 year old male student who has naturally high levels of Cardiovascular endurance. I have represented my county, Berkshire, at both cross-country and athletics (1500m.) I have a passion for cross-country, and so am going to use …

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