Health-related Exercise

Personal fitness profile. Explain how fit you think you are, and if you have any injuries or health problems. Outline how much physical activity you get in a typical week. State what targets you expect to achieve by the end of the 5 sessions in terms of aspects of fitness/skills you want to improve. 5 marks I think that I am averagely fit. I think I am physically fit enough to take an everyday activities such as walking to school and carrying objects. I have a good speed for my body but I lack strength and stamina, which are vital if you want to take on any physical activities. One of the reasons for this is because I am asthmatic.

I usually play around 3-4 hours of sport everyday in the spring and summer to stay fit but play around 3-4 hours a week during autumn and winter. I enjoy playing Hockey, Cricket and Basketball, but the sport I have chosen is Football and the position I have chosen is striker. I always play football on a Saturday afternoon every weekend for approximately three hours. I play football most weekends for about three hours, but do not play for a local team. I hope that by carrying out my training programme I will become fitter and more skilled in football, therefore joining my local team. This is something that I will hopefully carry out and this training programme will not only improve my football skills, but my level of fitness also and therefore being able to participate in many other sports.

My present level of fitness is about average, I do play a lot of sport. I play football at break times and lunchtimes for about half an hour each day, also I participate in a lot of walking by going to my friends’ houses over the weekend. The five fitness/ skills I want to improve are: 1) Ball Skills 2) Muscular Strength 3) Muscular Endurance 4) Agility 5) Speed If I concentrate and improve on these 5 skills, I believe I will turn out a much better player as a striker in football.

I already have above average speed, but I will still want to improve this, as speed is an ideal skill to have. Also I have good agility, which helps me to turn defenders, but I need to learn more skills to get past defenders. These are the two that I will not be concentrating on as much as the other 3 aspects of my programme, but I will be hoping to be good at all aspects by the end of the training schedule.

I will be concentrating on specific fitness because skill is the main requirement of playing football although you do need general fitness to help in playing all sports not just football. I will also be concentrating on the leg muscles, because they are the main muscles that I will use in football. Awareness of safety aspects. Outline any potential risks with any apparatus/equipment. What factors will you need to consider when planning the order/types of exercises? Explain how and why you will prepare your body for exercise/and help it to recover afterwards. 5 marks Before every activity I will perform a five-minute warm up. This is essential because the warm up would increase the blood flow to the muscles, stretch the muscles and concentrate the mind on the training.

Also a warm-up avoids injury and loosens up the muscles, to warm up the muscles so they can fully contract, to prepare the body for exercise by increasing the heart rate and breath rate, mentally prepares the mind and body for exercise so that you are ready to take part in the sport. As I also mentioned above, after every activity there should be a five-minute warm down, this is essential because it gets your body back to normal, lowers your heart rate and breathing, replaces the oxygen in your muscles, this gets rid of lactic acid which causes stiffness and prevents injury, gets rid of the extra blood in your body and muscles, sends a message to your brain saying that you do not need as much oxygen.

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Personal fitness profile. Explain how fit you think you are, and if you have any injuries or health problems. Outline how much physical activity you get in a typical week. State what targets you expect to achieve by the end …

I think that the exercise and activities I done were correct because they enabled me to use plyometrics and work above my training threshold and were specific to the factor of fitness for which I wanted to improve. Were the exercises …

I will be designing a six-week personal exercise programme specifically for pre season football. I currently play football for the school 1st XI. I do also enjoy playing many other sports such as cricket, badminton and athletics, which I participate …

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