Health-related Exercise

Cross overs, Side step through the rope, taking your leading leg both in front and then behind the trailing leg. = Left foot = Right foot During the programme I will be using all of the above different ways each week. They are all used more than once. Station 2: Tricep-Dips- On this you also have 1 minute to complete as many dips as you can. To complete this station you put your hands on a bench with your legs bent out in front of you. Like this- For the tricep-dips your feet will have to be apart and positioned under your knees.

My arms will have to be bent at the elbow to 90 and then straightened. Station 3: Step-ups- At this station you have just had a minutes rest so you should be ready to complete this station. Here you have to step on to the Reebok steps as many times as you can in 1 minute. To do this safely you must keep your knees bent and at intervals you should change your leading leg. To do this activity you must be careful that the steps do not move as you land on them. You must keep your rate fast and at one speed throughout the minute to get its full benefit.

Before you step down again you have to check that both of your feet are flat on top of the step. Station 4: Sit-ups- Here, you have to complete as many sit-ups as you can in a minute, then you will have a minute to rest before moving on to the next station. You have to have your knees bent, feet flat on the ground and shoulder width apart then your hands mustn’t be behind your head, and they should be by your ears or crossed over your chest. You must keep your rhythm at a steady pace. You contract abdominal muscles and come up to 45 each time.

Station 5: Skipping- You have just had a minute to recover from completing the sit-ups. Now on this station you have to skip for a minute and count the number of repetitions you complete. Each time you complete this circuit you should aim to have a higher number of repetitions Station 6: Hyperextensions- For this you have to complete as many hyperextensions as you can in a minute. For this you have to lie on your front and lift your arms and legs at the same time into the hyperextension position. Keep doing this until the minute is up. This should ache when you are completing them.

You should every other five for about 5 seconds this then gets more benefit out of the exercise. Station 7: Jumps- On this you have to jump through the ladder that is already marked on the floor. You have a minute here and you will have a series of jumps to complete. You have to start with tuck jumps and once you get to the end you have to jog back gently. This is one complete repetition of jumps. The next type of jumps you have to do is just straight legged jumping apart from when you land you have bent legs. Then you have your last type which is hopping.

Keep completing this until your minute is up. Station 8: Press-ups- You have one minute to complete as many press-ups as you can. You are able to choose any of the three types of press-ups, box press-ups, ladies version or normal press-ups. To start off with I suggest you start with the ladies version of press-ups. This is where you have your knees bent, in contact with the ground and your feet in the air, like this- Station 9: Ski jumps- Complete as many repetitions as you can in a minute. Jump from side to side over a bench with your knees bent, backwards and forwards.

Make sure that you clear the bench as you land otherwise it is dangerous. This is what the jump should look like- Station 10: Alternate elbows to knees- As you have probably guessed you have a minute to do as many (repetitions) as you can. You have to be in a sit-up position, with your feet flat on the ground with your legs shoulder width apart and then twist your body to the right touching your right knee with your left elbow then to complete the repetition you have to twist to the left touching your left knee with your right elbow.

Keep doing this until the minute is up. Once you have completed each station and you are having your minute rest make sure that you record the amount of repetitions you completed. Planning Purpose/aim of the programme. Personal fitness profile. Explain how fit you think you are, and if you have any injuries or health problems. Outline how much physical activity you get in a typical week. State what targets you expect to achieve by the end of the 5 sessions in terms of aspects of fitness/skills you want to improve. 5 marks Awareness of safety aspects.

Outline any potential risks with any apparatus/equipment. What factors will you need to consider when planning the order/types of exercises? Explain how and why you will prepare your body for exercise/and help it to recover afterwards. 5 marks Appropriateness of chosen exercises. Explain why you have chosen at least two of the exercises/ activities and how they will help you achieve your targets. 5 marks I chose 10 exercises and a minute on each with a minute rest in between each. I chose to have ten stations because it is a round number and it is easier than having an odd number.

The reason I chose to have one cardiovascular exercise and then one general muscular exercise is because I don’t want to be doing a continuous exercise two of them on ‘the trot. ‘ Also if I completed two together my leg muscles will become fatigued. I will need to rest them before working on another stamina exercise so I will recuperate with a small rest and an exercise. I chose station one as my ladder drills as I am pleased with the response I got from the internet search on different drills for it. I really liked the idea of putting some of my running drills in to practise.

The drills were on a sporting website under a football training programme. The drills were specifically chosen so that they will help me reach my target of increasing muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance so that I can dodge the opposing players and get into the space to receive passes. Station two; the reason that I chose this is because I now had to introduce a muscular exercise. For this I chose tricep-dips as I found it a different sort of exercise so I thought that it would be nice to choose something different. I also wanted to work on my arm muscles for my swimming to improve. The next station is step-ups.

The reason for this activity is because when I completed the Harvard step test I didn’t do so well so I wanted to practice on these; this is so that when I go back to this test after the completion of my fitness circuit I should be able to be better at the step test. This station is also very good for developing stamina. My fourth station is sit-ups and I have chosen this exercise to work on my abdominal muscles. I should then be able to do these without too much of a problem. This station will hopefully improve my strength and tone my body. Sit-ups are a single joint exercise. The next station is skipping this is a cardiovascular exercise.

Here I am skipping for a minute so that I can work for longer periods of time without tiring. This particularly works on heart, lungs and the respiratory system. My sixth station is hyperextensions these are held for a period of up to 5 seconds this is to work on my balance and my muscles. This will help me maintain my flexibility which is one of my targets I have to meet. The seventh station in my programme is Jumps. For this I have to work on strengthening my knees as they are weak and if I don’t strengthen them I could have problems when I redo the Harvard step test and the bleep test after the completion of the circuit.

I need to be careful as I land as there are no mats and they could be better than jumping on to the hard floor. The eighth station is press-ups this is working on developing strength of the arm muscles and I need to do this to help with my swimming. Station nine, here I have chosen to complete ski-jumps. This is to work on my cardiovascular endurance, so that I am better at the bleep test the next time I complete it. The last station is alternate elbows to knees again this is working on my abdominal muscles, but instead of straight up and down it is twisting from side to side.

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