Health organizations

Therefore it can be concluded that there are many advantages to DBT treatment.  These advantages include long term sustainability after the discontinuation of treatment, better response than other treatments, the ability to work for a variety of ages of patients and for a number of uses.  The disadvantages for DBT treatment would be that the treatment is limited to the clients who are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder or other emotional problems, there needs to be significant time spent in treatment as short term does not offer benefits, and the treatment is limited to staff that has a team devoted to this type of treatment so it is not available at most mental health organizations on the suggested level.  There is also research to prove that not utilizing the treatment in the ways that it was intended could be detrimental to the clients and might not help them and can actually hurt them in some ways.

Like DBT treatment, hypnosis/relaxation therapy can be greatly beneficial to the client who is receiving it.  However whereas DBT treatment thrives in groups, hypnosis and relaxation therapy are better sustained through individual treatments.  Hypnosis can be effective in being able to help those who are suffering from alcoholism and alcohol abuse.  Hypnosis can help them to curb their addiction and to help minimize the return of patients to alcohol abuse.

There is a lot of debate on this subject and a lot of questions about whether or not the researchers are biased towards the hypnosis above the other methods of treatment which are used at the same time.  There are many reasons that one can believe that this type of intervention could help with alcohol abuse and in order for there to be more information gathered there would need to be conclusive studies that were continued on the subject (Stoil 1989).

Some other treatments that are used with hypnosis and relaxation therapy are their ability to reduce stress.  For someone is about to undergo surgery or any other number of interventions medically there can be a lot of stress associated with the procedures and the psychological stress can be damaging in the recovery process.  The main thing to do in order to ensure that the patient is able to reduce the amount of stress is to practice some simple stress reduction practices.

There is a lot of research and evidence that has been gathered about the process of hypnosis as a stress reliever.  There are so many things that are available to help the patient to be able to reduce his/her stress through the process of hypnosis.  Hypnosis can help to reduce the patient of negative energy and can help to relieve stress in many situations.  Another great stress relieving technique is the use of relaxation therapy.  Relaxation therapy teaches the individual ways to reduce his/her stress through simple exercises and thought processes.

There are ways that the patient can do these all on their own and at times there are times when these must be combined with other procedures in order to gain the maximum benefit.  The main conclusion from the research is that hypnosis and relaxation can be affective in the reduction of stress.  This type of therapy can reduce stress that is caused by a number of various problems.  These problems include stress pre or post surgery, stress from lack of emotional stability, stress from occupational causes and many other reasons (Faymonville, Mambourg, Joris, Vrijens, Fissette, Albert, and Lamy 1997).

As for the practical uses of hypnosis and relaxation therapy there are a number of ways that this can be used in a clinical setting.  One of the main ways that hypnosis and relaxation therapy can benefit a patient is …

Some other studies that have been done to evaluate the effects of medical pain have concluded many positive thoughts for various problems and disorders.  In some cases it has shown that with adolescent or pediatric patients that hypnosis could be …

Hypnosis and relaxation therapy can be used in a number of ways.  In some settings this type of therapy is being used as a pain reducer.  It is stated in some articles and studies that the reduction of pain can …

There are many different therapy options that are available for practitioners to use.  Some of the therapy options that have recently become more popular and more widely accepted are DBT or dialectical behavioral therapy and hypnosis and relaxation therapy.  These …

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