Health Nursing Projects

Despite government’s created provisionary support in form of a health organization, the policy is still ineffective in facilitating the health problems of the indigenous people. It fails to address the increase of diseases in many communities of the First Nations since their condition is considered worse that the general Canadian population’s. The writers stated that the community “generally unhealthy and implicitly unable to manage their own affairs.

” First Nations people continue to struggle with issues affecting their mental health and personal wellness, and that they are challenged in the process of accessing support and service. The health status of the people continues to be at risk due to many factors that affect the system of delivery of services. Anand, S. Yusuf, R. Jacobs, A. Davis, Q. Yi, H. Gerstein, P. Montague, E. Lonn Risk factors, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease among Aboriginal people in Canada: the Study of Health Assessment and Risk Evaluation in Aboriginal Peoples (SHARE-AP).

The Lancet, Volume 358, Issue 9288, Pages 1147-1153 S. The writers quoted the current condition of First Nations based on a research. The findings of the research presented that Aboriginal people had significantly higher rates of smoking, glucose intolerance, obesity, abdominal obesity, and substiantially higher concentrations of fibrinogen, and plasminogen activator inhibitor. Aboriginal people had higher rates of unemployment and a lower annual household income. Iwasaki, Y. , Bartlett, J. , and O’Neil, J.

‘Coping with Stress among Aboriginal Women and Men with Diabetes in Winnipeg, Canada. ’ Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 60, Issue 5, March 2005, 977-988. The article is summarized stating that many aboriginal peoples have been experiencing stress due to contemporary and immediate life circumstances such as economic and at-risk living conditions; historical, cultural, and political contexts. Some of the adverse effect of stress to these people is diabetic cases, which is trying to control through effective mechanism of coping up with stress.

This explains clearly that the socio-cultural and socio-economic condition of people contributes to the harsh condition of their health. Work Cited Journal and Internet Source Allec, Robert. ‘Overview of Gaps in Service and Issues Associated with Jurisdictions,’ First Nations Health and Wellness in Manitoba. http://216. 109. 125. 130/search/cache? ei=UTF-8&p=First+Nations+health+policy&fr=my-vert-web-top&u=www. gov. mb. ca/ana/publications/1st_nations_health_final2005. pdf&w=first+nations+nation+health+policy+policies&d=ByhVE7XiQEjx&icp=1&. intl=us

Anand, S. Yusuf, R. Jacobs, A. Davis, Q. Yi, H. Gerstein, P. Montague, E. Lonn Risk factors, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease among Aboriginal people in Canada: the Study of Health Assessment and Risk Evaluation in Aboriginal Peoples (SHARE-AP). The Lancet, Volume 358, Issue 9288, Pages 1147-1153 S. Iwasaki, Y. , Bartlett, J. , and O’Neil, J. ‘Coping with Stress among Aboriginal Women and Men with Diabetes in Winnipeg, Canada. ’ Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 60, Issue 5, March 2005. Newbold, Bruce. ‘Problems in Search of Solutions: Health and Canadian Aborigines.

” Journal of Community Health. Vol 23, Number 1/ February, 1998 Reading, J. , Kmetic, A. , and Gideon, V. 2007. ‘First Nations Wholistic Policy and Planning Model,’ Discussion Paper for the World Health Organization Commission on Social Determinants of Health. http://www. afn. ca/cmslib/general/07-05-28_AFN_Paper_to_WHO_Commission_on_Social_Determinants_of_Health. pdf Books Castro, A. and Singer, Merrill. 2004. Unhealthy Health Policy: A Critical Anthropological Examination. California: Altamira Press Diem, E. and Mayer, A. 2004.

Community Health Nursing Projects: Making a Difference. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Feldberg, Georgina. 2003. Women, Health, and Nation: Canada and the United States since 1945. Canada: McGill-Queens’ Press. Thatcher, Richard. 2004. Fighting Firewater Fictions: Moving Beyond the Disease Model of Alcoholism in First Nations. Canada: University of Toronto Press. Waldram, J. , Herring, A. , and Young, K. 2006. Aboriginal Health in Canada: Historical, Cultural, and Epidemiological Perspective. Canada: University of Toronto Press Incorporated.

The writers pointed out a reason for the unhealthy condition of these people. In Wikwemikong province where over 2,700 people, has no hospital is built while the two regional (Island) hospitals are located in two much smaller, non-Aboriginal communities. As …

Most people are poor living in crowded places; many get sick because of unawareness of health prevention, and sometimes people depend on traditional healing because of financial difficulty. Socio-cultural condition People’s lives depend largely on their tradition and beliefs. Smoking …

Like what the age-old adage from Desiderius Erasmus states “prevention is better than cure”, population health is the approach that looks at the broader picture of developing and maintaining a realistic and culturally acceptable health plan for the Australian Aboriginal …

Equipped with the knowledge on the process of policy development, nurses can now let themselves be involved in making policies concerning public health. However, nurses also need to understand first that the role of government and its agencies in healthcare …

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