Health Insurance

Attention Getter: Did you know that at least 50 million people in the US as of 2013 are without health insurance? What if you are one of these people and got seriously ill, you would want to be covered right? I believe everyone should have some form of health insurance. Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that everyone should be entitled to or covered by health insurance. Overview: This morning, I’d like to talk to you first about the need of health insurance, second how everyone could get health insurance, and finally, how assistance can be provided to help cover insurance.

Connect with the Audience: Someone you know, or maybe even you might need health insurance. Thesis Statement: Too many of our loved ones are suffering from a deadly disease or illness and cannot be treated properly because they either do not have insurance or their insurance does not cover enough of the cost to be treated. Transition: Let’s first start with the need for health insurance. I. People all over the United States, are sick or ill and do not have health insurance. A. The problem is that most insurance companies only want to insure healthy people. 1.

The people who have a serious health condition should be the ones covered for insurance. 2. If insurance was affordable for everyone, there would be healthier people living a longer life. Transition: I’m sure you can see why people need to have health insurance. So now let’s see how one obtains insurance. II. This is how anyone could receive health insurance. A. For those employed, health insurance should be available through your place of employment. 1. Most companies offer their employees insurance as well as other benefits. B. For those unemployed, health insurance should be available through government agencies.

Transition: As you can see, health insurance is available for everyone, even those not employed. Now let’s look at how assistance can be provided to help cover insurance. III. Government agencies are here to help those in need of healthcare. A. People who need assistance can get it from our government. 1. People could go to their local non-profit organizations and other government agencies and get healthcare assistance. Transition: It is obvious that many people are in need of health insurance, but luckily there is assistance for those who need it.

I have presented to you why many people are in need of health insurance, how everyone could get health insurance, and how the government has provided assistance to help cover health insurance. If employed, your job should provide health insurance… and if unemployed, there is assistance out there to help. Connect back with the Audience: What if you or someone you loved was not insured and was seriously ill? Imagine your life shattered because you did not know how to help or where to look for assistance.

Just think of the satisfaction of knowing you or your loved one, with health insurance or covered by assistance, could possible enjoy the rest of your life. Clincher/Call-to Action: I’m going to leave you with this quote from our president, Barack Obama. “After a century of striving, after a year of debate, after a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. It is the law of the land. ”

References Debate. org. (2013). Should everyone be granted health insurance?Retrieved from the debate. org Website: http://www. debte. org/opinions (2013). Right to Healthcare. Retrieved from the healthcare. org website http://healthcare. procon. org/ Newsone. com. (2013). Barack Obama Quotes: His Most Memorable Lines. Retrieved from the newsone. com website: http://newsone. com/barack-obama-quotes/ Nolo. com. (2013).

The Health Care Reform Bill: 10 Things to Know. Retrieved from the nolo. com Website: http://www. nolo. com/legal-encyclopedia/health-care-reform-bill Wikipedia. org. (2013). Health Insurance. Retrieved from the wikipedia. org website: http://www. wikipedia. org/wiki/Health_insurance.

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