Health care system

Health care system is a combination of network providers, institutions and insurers. In fact private institutions in Canada deliver the health care. However, the delivery system linked with health insurance system. The health insurance system public funded i. e. it is paid by provincial and federal government. The health insurance system in Canada called as ‘Medicare’. It is provided in each province or territory and respective provincial government funds it. The provincial government makes funding to the health insurance system out of the revenues of its own and contributions from federal government.

During 2005, the expenditure on health insurance accounts 59 percent from respective provincials and federal shares about 14 percent. However the private spending is 27 percent. Canada’s health care has large impact on the Canadian economy. At about 9. 5% of Gross Domestic product spent on health care whereas 14% in United States. Besides, the Canadians spend $3300 per capita on health care. LEGAL Canada has ten provincial and three territorial health insurance system as the Constitution Act, 1867 made the provinces responsible for the health policy matters.

Hence the provinces are responsible for health care. In order to regulate its health care system, each province and territory have created its own statutes. The government plans about health insurance programs and the governments will also make decisions with respect to the funding are reimbursement procedures etc. Interestingly it can be noted the providing such funds by provinces will not attract any specific health tax on any individuals and businesses, but they can be provided out general revenues of that provinces.

Maintaining health insurance is expensive and even some provinces spend the amount from 30 to 35 percent of their total budget with respect to health care. Besides, the federal government also contributes to the provinces which is based on Canada Health and Social Transfer i. e. CHST. The federal government also gives assistance towards health care, higher education, social assistance and other social services. The Federal government administers all such this with respect to the standards fixed on Canada Health Act, 1984.

The Act provides, the health insurance must be carried out by a public authority on non-profit basis. The Act also provides that the insured residents are entitled to the same level of health care which should not depend upon the cost but it should depend upon the need of health service. Though the insured persons moves to other territory, still eligible from their home province for a minimum waiting period. PUBLIC SYSTEM The working of medical care provides provincial health card to the legal residents of Canada. The card is plastic identification card, which is similar to credit card.

The healths care system available to all persons who are residents of province or territory including Canadian Armed Forces but do not include imamates. When the health card issued it can be used when make visits with physician or health care providers. The health card contains identification number. With this, person’s medical information can be accessed. The patients will have option to choose the physicians though they may be referred to specialist. The patients can take immediate care even without appointment at any hospital emergency room or community health clinic. The Canadian doctors provide care private practice.

Health care system is a combination of network providers, institutions and insurers plus the hand of the Government. Private institutions in Canada deliver health care. In this literature, we will dwell in such country’s Health Care System (HCS). The delivery …

MEDICARE provides provincial health card to legal residents of Canada. It is a plastic identification card, similar to credit card. The health care system available to all persons who are residents of province or territory including Canadian Armed Forces but …

The Canadian healthcare system is basically subsidized by tax dollars. The federal government provides budget to provinces, though provinces may put their own taxes to augment settling of the cost of Health Care for every member. In 2004, $91. 1 …

While the system, the Health Care System, has been successful to a certain degree in delivering health care to the Canadian people, extending the program to address the diversified needs of all Canadian people, specifically those in rural communities, has …

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