Health care services

As of the moment, different agencies are trying their best to be able to help in limiting the rate of Infant Mortality. Primary health care is reserved to the health care systems themselves which provide essential Health care services (Prue, 2007). Barbara Starfield discuss that World Health Organization has found in a research that there exist a positive correlation between health outcomes and primary care infrastructure. Starfield also noted that a universal access to health services is important for primary care.

Primary Health care includes research of possible problems and complications about how, why and what will happen about, in this case, Infant Mortality. ‘Currently CDC and ATSDR are doing their best to inform the general public about the causes and dangers of Infant Mortality Rate’ (www. cdc. gov) . CDC is promoting ‘guidelines for the Death Scene Investigation of Sudden Unexplained Infant Deaths and Investigation Reporting Form.

CDC is focused on monitoring issues that affects infant mortality. CDC also trains investigators and death certifiers to accurately interpret and collect data and evidences. Lastly, CDC is currently doing a research that would try to locate the reason/s why disparities in Sudden Infant Death exist between different races and ethnic groups. Secondary Health promotions referred to the health care and services provided by hospitals and provisions of primary care units (Prue, 2007).

In such case, CDC and HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration) had several intervening promotions such as screening those who are in need of secondary care. CDC has breastfeeding programs and HRSA has Healthy Start programs which are concerned with mothers before the baby is born. Breastfeeding interventions advise mothers about the importance and health benefits of breastfeeding. Healthy Start provides special services that are catered for high-risk pregnant women. Tertiary promotions involve specialist cases (Prue, 2007).

In line with Infant Mortality, HRSA launched a Leadership Education program that focuses on Neurodevelopment Disabilities. The program is highly specialized to help professionals to take care of the health of children who are in high risk of developing mental disabilities. Approaches Since there are already programs and interventions, it is highly advisable that all promotions are utilized and are in effect. It is advise that different agencies must collaborate to be able to achieve the desired result.

Different researches can be made by different group that shall be compared afterwards to generate a more informative and reliable result. Partnership of private and public sectors of the government should focus in promoting healthy behaviors by parents of infant and pregnant women; particularly when it comes to prenatal care and possibility of SIDs and other respiratory illness. It is also important that counseling is made by those who are at high risk of developing mental and/or behavioral diseases.

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