Health Care Reforms

The importance of this book to the above study is vested on the fact that it spells out the very political underpinnings that catalyze the process of realizing the cause of healthcare reforms. More importance is added to the book, courtesy of the fact that Beauchamp takes the readers through a step by step journey on the political milestones that have helped in the formation of comprehensive healthcare reforms. Cummings, N. , O’Donohue, W. and Cucciare M. The Concept of Universal Healthcare.

California: Context Press. 2005. The importance of this book to this essay is that it gives an in depth analysis of what the provision of universal healthcare entails, apart from the needs that characterize it and make people crave for its ratification. By writing the book, Cummings, O’Donohue and Cucciare tackle serious underpinnings of universal health care programs such as additional expenses and taxation, and overdependence of Developing Economies on the US and other Developed Countries.

This leaves the reader with a broad scope on the matter. Derickson, A. Implementing Universal Health Care for All. New Jersey: JHU Press. 2005. This book is important to this study since it spells out the very steps and measures that should be ratified towards the realization of health care for all. Derickson also has incisive insights that can be deemed as sound advice to the government as a whole and the entire medical fraternity too. Kotlikoff, L. Fixing Healthcare Programs and ensuring Healthcare Insurance for the Entire US.

Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press. 2007. This book is important to the above study since it addresses all the measures that should be set in place so as to make healthcare and healthcare insurance a reality among the US citizens in entirety. Kotlikoff captures the concept of targeting effectively the rich, the middle class and the poor for the universal healthcare programs. Healthcare and Rescuing Relman, A. Planning for Universal American Health Care Programs. Michigan: Public Affairs. 2007.

Relman presents quite a showpiece to this study for he mentions with a lot of adroitness, the plans that should be set in place so as to ward off cases fluctuations in the quality of the health care services being offered to the US citizens. Relman maintains that these changes must be set in America first before the rest of the world, if the universal healthcare programs are to succeed.

Works Cited

Beauchamp, D. Politics, Political Entities and Health Care Reforms. Utah: Temple University Press. 2006. Cummings, N. , O’Donohue, W. and Cucciare M. The Concept of Universal Healthcare. California: Context Press. 2005. Derickson, A. Implementing Universal Health Care for All. New Jersey: JHU Press. 2005. Healthcare and Rescuing Relman, A. Planning for Universal American Health Care Programs. Michigan: Public Affairs. 2007. Kotlikoff, L. Fixing Healthcare Programs and ensuring Healthcare Insurance for the Entire US. Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press. 2007.

Unlike other industrialized countries, the US does not offer universal health care which is contrary to the UN declaration of human rights article no 25. Instead, it applies the ‘out of pocket approach’ and government assistance concerning healthcare is only …

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Data on international health system has also been provided by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), International Studies, and US Census Bureau. The OECD whose member states are the developed countries points out that its member countries have …

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