Health care providers

For implementing a centralized EMR system every health care organization must have an EMR system for their organization and then their data will be collected and stored at the centralized system. Although it is something expensive but if every health care body setups an EMR system then they will have to spend approximately $15. 5 Billions over hardware, software and services by information technology.

This estimation was made in the year 2007 where as the sector of ambulance care and physicians’ practices sector will have to make an expenditure of $3. 6 Billions. All these estimations have been made by Marc Holland, the research director of health industry insights of United States. According to him these estimations grow about 7 percent to 8 percent and then they are constant for few years ahead. If these estimations are observed then it is one time expenditure and there are no harms in making it as it provides double benefits.

These benefits are not only in terms of annual growth rate but also in terms of easiness, efficiency and improved systems and health care. There are very much confident hopes and expectations of the health care providers and other professionals related to the medical field from the centralized EMR systems; there is a careful analysis that makes it sure that the market will improve by implementing such latest and developed systems. EMR should be started implementing by first developing a strong network and IT structure in the organization.

After that by using the appropriate soft wares and hard wares it will be possible to start the entire system electronically. The EMR systems need much attention and interest in to it. There are few thoughts that EMR is similar to practice management software but this is not the case; practice management soft wares only require a manager for the data entry where as EMR needs the involvement of both the physicians as well as other team members and the patient to develop a concrete evidence for the patient care.. (Harbert, 1)

Electronic Medical Record system is much more efficient to provide a fine quality reporting system but still its financial impacts has yet to be calculated. In primary care the cost involvement in implementing EMR system is comparatively higher than the information documentation. It has been stated that the health care market and industry is 20 years behind in the whole from other software and firmware industries. Lack and limitations of hardware, software and firmware are involved behind that slow development of the industry.

Another important reason is the cost that is involved in implementing the electronic medical record system in middle and small level practices. Due to the poor programming technology there is very limited software functionality as well as very low mobility and hardware solution. As far the survey conducted by Medical Economics magazine in 2005 shows that only 20% of FPs and GPs are using a complete electronic medical record system. Only 22% of Internists, 12 % of Ob / Gyns are using a system to compute their electronic medical record.

Only 16% pediatricians are involved to take the record of their patients electronically and other specializations share is just 15% in EMR market. Observing the surveys regarding to the age there were only 27% persons of age 35 or less who are using EMR and this ratio decreases to about 8% in the age of 65 or above 65. Survey with reference to practice size a group of 21 or more than 21 doctors were 39% involved in taking the record of their patients electronically. (EMR software, Electronic Medical Record software & system, 1)

The next phase which just come after it is the staffing. Staffing means to hire those professional who can become the asset for the system. Highly trained professional are the key to run any specified developed system. Staff should be …

Health care providers have a responsibility to provide competent and safe care to their patients. When patient care is compromised or the patient does not have a successful medical outcome, sometimes the legal system becomes involved. It is important to …

On the contrary the benefits which were associated in using EMR for a certain time period was about $ 86400 (US) per provider. This became only possible by using an EMR with accurate and timely charges levitation and using it …

That was the purest initial cost that involves in implement a complete system of electronic medical record management system in to a physician place. This was the study which was conducted by Robert Miller. PhD and the colleagues at the …

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