Health care processes and clinical care processes

The purpose of this study that we are performing is simply to provide the access to the physicians from anywhere and at any time whether while sitting at home or during their trips or during some sort of conference or meeting. After the implementation of EMR this aspect of accessibility is the most important aspect. The centralization of medical records has the purpose that all the records from every medical organization are gathered at a single place. In this today’s fast and busy life this kind of accessibility is required for improving the efficiency and performance and for saving the time, efforts and money.

This is an analysis report and the method that is going to complete this study is analysis and research. Benefits of Centralized EMR: It is a quick way of managing records. It can hold large number of records. Even it is designed to store the records from every other medical organization through out the country. It has no limitations fro accessing. Even it can be accessed and used from the home, office, remote location, during traveling and conference and so on. There are no complications in treating the patients even if the physician has been changed. It improves the health care processes and clinical care processes.

It maximizes the financial results and profits. It saves time and efforts. There are no problems of changing the locations and physicians for the patients. It is available for the physicians and other professionals as well as for patients 24×7 and provides immediate access and also provides complete information regarding patients. It is safe and secure. It can be a very useful tool for educating the patients about their condition and treatment. It is also useful in terms of educating the physicians about the new developments, researches and treatments. It allows putting the information from all the medical organizations at a single place.

The decisions and diagnosis can be made by the physicians anywhere as the information can be accessed from everywhere. Reduces the cost of all the paper based documentations, prescriptions, billing and so on. By centralizing the system it is made possible that the patient himself can enter the details. It provides high quality documentation and records by allowing the charts and different reports. The return on investment is mounted. Reduces the amount of repeated information and missing information. It also allows giving quick response and quick treatment. The number of people in the staff is also decreased which also saves money.

The accessibility should not be limited; it should not be available just with in the office of the physician as he can need it and use it anywhere else like in conference room, during traveling and trips, at home and …

Many problems can take place with the paper based record keeping system like theft of record, misplaced records, misfiled records and unavailability of records but it is a fact that EMR is always available and can be used from anywhere …

To improve the services of the health care delivery system, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academics has named the 8 core care delivery functions of the electronic health records. The descriptions and more information about the 8 core …

EMR stands for Electronic Medical Records and as the name shows it represents medical records electronically or it can be said that it is the digital format of the medical records. The definition of EMR can be as a system …

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