Health Care Interview

Dr. Marie Becker is a board certified Otolaryngologist at Tallahassee Ear, Nose, and Throat (TENT) facility in Tallahassee, Florida. She is an undergraduate of Georgetown University in Washington, D. C. where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a minor in Spanish, magna cum laude and sign language in 1985. She went on to graduate from medical school at Baylor College in Houston, Texas and after five years of studying she completed her internship and residency at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center in 1995. Where she then began her practice at Tallahassee Ear, Nose, and Throat.

She is a board certified physician in the state of Texas and Florida. She also participates as an assistant clinical professor through Florida State University’s College of Medicine. TENT is affiliated with many of the local surgical facilities here in Tallahassee, Florida. The physicians have surgical rights at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital, Capital Regional Center, Red Hills Surgical Center, Select Specialty Hospital, and HealthSouth. Tallahassee Ear, Nose, and Throat-Head and Neck Surgery, P. A. Dr. Becker has enjoyed working with Tallahassee Ear, Nose, and Throat (TENT) for the past nineteen years.

TENT specializes in the care and treatment of adult and pediatric otolaryngology which entails the care of diseases of the ear, nose, sinuses, face, mouth, throat, the upper airway and the neck. They also offer facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. TENT not only offers care in otolaryngology they were fortunate to team up with Audiology Associates of North Florida to ensure their patients not only received excellent medical care but also superb hearing care.

Dr. Becker has also created her own line of skin care products called MD14 which she has associated with TENT and offers her products through the physician’s office. TENT staff also includes Dr. Duncan Postma, Dr. Spencer Gilleon, Dr. Adrian Roberts, Dr. Marie Becker, Dr. Joseph Soto, Dr. Scott Ashner, and Tricia Skinner ARNP. Brief History of Dr. Marie O. Becker Dr. Becker has been my two son’s otolaryngologist since their birth. She has always showed great compassion and care for all children who have come into her office. She will take the time out during her exams to explain to the parents what all she suspects is going on with the child (ren) and what tests are needed to help in her diagnosis.

She works well with children who are special needs and especially understanding of those who can be perceived as a little difficult to handle at times. She understands that with children that they can only be still for a certain amount of time and works quickly to ensure the child is most comfortable when she examines them. Her interactions with the children is impeccable. She understands that with children you have to come down to their size and talk with them slowly so they can understand what is going on during the exam and what her prognosis is going to mean.

She makes sure that the child understands for themselves what is going to be happening to them at all times because little ones are human beings too and the more they know the more at ease they tend to be. Dr. Becker has great communication skills with her patients and their parents, she will not hesitate to answer any questions and is always available to take a patients call at any time. Her staff is impeccable and wonderful to be around, they can make you feel like you are at home when in the physician’s office. She is bilingual in English, Spanish, and sign language, and assists in translation for her fellow colleagues when requested.

Dr. Becker can also refer patients for sleep studies when she suspects a patient may suffer from sleep apnea based upon her examination. Sleep apnea affects both adult and children, however, with children it may be easier to alleviate the issue sleep apnea with the removal of the child’s tonsil and adenoids that could be obstructing the child’s airway. Dr. Becker became interested in otolaryngology at a young age when her younger sibling began losing her hearing at the age of thirteen, and at that time no one could really explain why to her parents. As they were growing up Dr.

Becker watched helplessly as her younger sibling struggled with everyday life at home and in school after she lost her hearing and that is where she began to show curiosity into researching hearing loss. She had also noticed how the physicians would treat and lacked interaction with other children who were in the office. After completing high school in Texas Dr. Becker knew she wanted to go into the field of otolaryngology. Otolaryngology is actually one of the oldest specialty fields in U. S. history. It entails the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose, throat (ENT), and other related structures of the head and neck.

Otolaryngologist have to complete up to fifteen years of schooling before they can even begin practicing. They then have to be able to pass the board certification with American Board of Otolaryngology after completing college (four years), medical school (four years), and at least five years of specialty training. They specialize in allergies treating hay fever, seasonal and perennial rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, laryngitis, sore throat, chronic otitis media, dizziness, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, cancerous and noncancerous tumors of the head and neck, laryngology, otology and neurotology, and rhinology.

The typical work week for a private practice otolaryngologist is two days in the OR and three days in the office. The field of Otolaryngology is one of the few medical fields that enables a physician to be capable of balancing their home and work life. There are approximately 70% of men and 30% of women within the field of Otolaryngology, however, over the past few years they have seen a relative increase in the number of female applicants.

Dr. Marie Becker is a board certified Otolaryngologist at Tallahassee Ear, Nose, and Throat (TENT) facility in Tallahassee, Florida. She is an undergraduate of Georgetown University in Washington, D. C. where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology …

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