Health care improvement

The accessibility should not be limited; it should not be available just with in the office of the physician as he can need it and use it anywhere else like in conference room, during traveling and trips, at home and so on. If the accessibility is limited then still EMR is beneficial but for making it more developed the accessibility should become wide enough that the system can be used from anywhere. This objective can be achieved by making the system centralized. If the system is centralized then it can be used from anywhere whether from office or from remote location or even during traveling.

It saves a lot of time and even it enables the physician to consult about the patients during some conference or with other physicians as well. EMR also needs communication between different members of the staff, this inter communication can also be possible by the EMR and it allows to communicate about the transfer of the information. EMR system should be designed and implemented in such a way that it should make sure that the information is accessible in no time and it also reduces the amount of effort that are put in keeping the record in paper.

EMR itself is a very big development in the field of medical but for improving the system of EMR the next development can be the improvement of accessibility and that can be done by making the system centralized. (Skinner, 1). It should be kept in mind while designing the centralized EMR that the accessibility should be authorized; no other person than the member should be allowed to enter into the system and get the information as many people are very much sensitive about their health conditions and are satisfied in sharing only with their own physicians and doctors.

The accessibility to EMR is also necessary for the health care improvement. The EMR should be lifetime that means that it should contain the records from different health organizations and should be then made centralized so that it is easy to access the records from anywhere. There are many physicians who are on trips for conferences and so on so the centralized database of medical records will provide them access from anywhere and at any time no matter where they are.

If such system is developed then it will be a great achievement and in this busy life the physicians will then be able to study the cases, new findings and the problems of their patients even while traveling. Such strategies are important for utilizing the time and achieving more developments. If this accessibility and centralization is achieved then EMR will also allow the patients to move from one physician to another as there are chances that the people continue to move from one location to another due to many possible reasons like profession, job, living and so on.

So this kind of accessibility is beneficial not only for the professional physicians but also for the patients. The availability and accessibility of medical records is getting very important for physicians as well as normal people or patients so its need can not be denied. All these benefits can be achieved if the connectivity and centralization is once achieved. Although it is a long and difficult process to perform but it has life time benefits. (Shabo, 1)

Importance of EMR can not be denied in any case and there are many reasons for which it is considered as an important development in the field of medical. Importance of accessing the EMR is very much as in order …

The purpose of this study that we are performing is simply to provide the access to the physicians from anywhere and at any time whether while sitting at home or during their trips or during some sort of conference or …

Many problems can take place with the paper based record keeping system like theft of record, misplaced records, misfiled records and unavailability of records but it is a fact that EMR is always available and can be used from anywhere …

There are many physicians who would like to implement the EMR at some other place rather than the examination room. They want to enter the data about the patient after examining them and visiting them. So the terminals are establishes …

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