Health Care Evolution

The commercialization of health care services and the need by people to receive quality and better services have been driving forces in changing health care system. The main problem in evolution of health care services is employment of qualified personnel and the cost of acquiring necessary equipments. The dire need of people to have less costly health care services is the principal behind the advancement of the health care sytem. This comes at a time when many consumers want their resources to be managed professionally with accountability.

Consumers want integrations of the health care services and availability of a wide range of medical products in the market. Role of Healthy Care Evolution System in Providing Services Traditional and cultural believes of people concerning their health led to the urge of many people to have better health services. Many consumers wanted to move from traditional methods of healing that were unsafe and unregulated to a system which is safe and well regulated. Regularly changing society due to instability of social-economic and political are the forces behind the need of better health care services.

The need by consumers to have quality and less costly services led to the development of health care management organization which had obligation of providing its clients with best health care services through insurance plans (Havighurst, 2002). Past insurance plans during evolution of health care were obstacles in managing health care resources. Their argument was that many of their customers were not willing to change to modern healthy management organizations (HMO’s) because they were not willing to pay more in the new organizations.

Health care customers had the option to either drop the idea of joining these organizations or instead relay on medical practitioners. The HMOs provides financial, population, electronic medical data base used in medical research. This is important especially in considerations of cost effectiveness of treatment, prevention practices, trends of disease and priorities in sharing of limited resources. Reaserch by HMOs has resulted into professional organization which encourages high quality public domain research in HMOs.

.Many HMOs take responsibility as organized care system to a specific population; therefore they are accountable to purchasers, consumers and regulatory agencies for required outcomes with inclusion of prevention results. How it contributes (or not) in managing healthy care resources Many of the employees had problems from their employers, because they were not willing to remit money anymore for their clients to undergo specialized treatment or other costly testing and examination as their employers’ argument was that they wanted wider service providers.

This was obstacles in transforming traditional insurance plans to more manageable organization. Many states gave rules and laws that govern the health care plan systems like minimum requirements to enroll, the extend of the specialized treatment to get, time to stay in hospitals and restrict health care providers from being sued in court incase they don’t pay their clients the necessary cost for the hospitals. There were arguments by different states and it took time to come into agreement thus making the managing of health care resources difficult (Alston, 1997).

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