Health Care delivery system is one of the most important concerns, not only in the United States, but in the entire world as well. The quality of health care provided to every individual must always be superior because the life of every human being depends on it. In general, health care is all about safeguarding a person’s physical and mental health by preventing diseases using available services and resources given by the health profession (Princeton University, 2006). The health care institution is a very wide and important field.
It does not only involve prevention and cure but also health care institutions and associations. Health Care is always one of the biggest concerns in every country because it encompasses certain issues that are always relevant to the entire population including the spread of various diseases, malnutrition that is specifically prevalent among third world countries, provision of poor health care services in some parts of the world especially for indigent people, and insufficient access to proper technology and the lack of public information regarding health care.
Health care service is also a global concern. Indigent people who have diseases but have no money for treatments, insurance and health cards usually dies from diseases that are rather curable. As such, the government should allot a substantial amount of budget to provide proper health care for these people and enforce laws to ensure that quality health care services can be rendered.
Since the quality of health care is a global concern then the answer to the problem should be apt to encompass global barriers. Countries from around the globe should gather to surpass economic and political barriers and unite to form a strategic plan in order to overcome and address this problem. Works Cited “Wordnet: An Electronic Lexical Database”. 2006. Princeton University. 08 April 2009. http://wordnetweb. princeton. edu/perl/webwn? s=health%20care